Chapter 10: But Where to GO?

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        I jumped about 10 feet into the air, the rough voice making me feel nearly nauseous. I slowly turned around, stepping closer to Rogue unconciously. He's not about to hurt him. Not now, not ever. 

"Jack, you need to go.'' I spoke quietly, but firmly.

"And why on earth would I do that? I've gone... my whole life. Without being wanted by the people I needed to be wanted by. Lily, my real mother... You. And everyone just expects me to let it go. I won't.. I WON'T. There's nothing wrong with me! All this medicine, therapy, that bullshit?? All of it's designed to make me feel unwanted. To make me go crazy!" he declared breathlessly, looking around emptily. I followed his eyes around the room in confusion, realizing he was seeing something I didn't. Something I couldn't. 

     "Jack, I..." I gulped. I really didn't like admitting my emotions for a psycho. "I did want you. Really. But you just didn't see it until it was too late and now you're doing some really crazy shit,'' I said decidedly, frowning at him. "Shooting people, breaking into my HOUSE?? That's not okay...'' I trailed sadly. "And this is all my fault..''

  "It's not your fault... It's his!" he said suddenly, a sick excited glow lighting his eyes as he looked at Rogue. I looked down, shocked, and even in that intense moment got a bit distracted by how gorgeous he looked. God, I'm retarded!

   "That doesn't make any sense!" I protested.

"Yes it does. Do you think...." He trailed off for atleast a solid minute, focusing on the same spot before suddenly snapping back to attention. "Don't you think you'd still like me if you hadn't met him?"

"No, because I'm not stupid. And it wasn't only because of him. You only wanted to date because I was suddenly socially acceptable, and it doesn't work that way!" I have no idea why I was even trying to reason with a crazy person. He was probably a sociopath.

    He stared me down, and I noticed the purple colored rings under his eyes, the rest of him looking pallid. He wasn't him anymore. "Well then. I see you now, and not simply for that. You're... amazing, Ari,'' he breathed, suddenly looking a bit more lively. I leaned away, once again gravitating towards  Rogue. He caught that, suddenly pulling out a thin, newly sharpened knife. 

    "Wait, no!!" I shrieked, covering him. Rogue shifted a bit, eyes briefly fluttering. I gained some hope.

"How will you ever learn to love me if he's around?" he asked, clearly confused. He looked like a child wondering why he couldn't have a cookie before dinner. I opened my mouth, no sound coming out, but he interrupted me with a new look. An overjoyed one. "Unless we left him. And you just came with me.''

"What!? That's crazy, Jack, I'm staying here!" I protested. He glared, stepping closer and snatching me to him by my arm, his knife poised sinisterly over Rogue's chest. It dropped close, and I watched a small spot of red bloom up. I squeaked.

"OKAY!! Okay!" I cried, voice wobbling. He yanked me roughly to him, and I grit my teeth against the pain as my arm ground around in it's socket.

He immediately grew gentle, eyes lightening to a happy shade instantaneously. I forced a small smile at him, flinching as he suddenly leaned in. He frowned, grabbing my face and kissing me roughly before pulling back. Rogue suddenly sat up, looking for all the world lost as he saw my tear streaked face flinching back from Jack's.

   "A- Ari!!" he said loudly, sitting up and shaking his head roughly. 

"Rogue, it's fine,'' I said weakly, pulling away.

    "Ari wants to go!! Don't you Ari?" he asked excitedly. 

"Yes!" I rushed to assure him, not wanting to set him off. Rogue looked hurt, then a look dawned on him as he realized what was happening. 

   "Over my dead body are you taking her from me,'' he hissed, stepping up unsteadily. 

""Like you're in the state to do anything about it,'' Jack mocked. He got silent for a moment, as if listening to something. "Yeah, you're right. Then she won't try to leave, she wouldn't dare,'' he murmured, as if speaking with  himself. He jumped forward, hitting Rogue in the temple with the hilt of the knife. He dropped like a bird out of the sky. 

    I froze as he fell limply to the ground. "Oh my God, you killed him!!" I screamed, pounding my fists against his chest. I was shaking with anger.

   "No I didn't,'' he said calmly, stepping forward to drag Rogue by his arms. "He's coming, too.''

"Why?" I groaned,staring at him worriedly. Watching the small rise and fall of his chest, I realized he was knocked out.

   "You won't run away knowing he'd be hurt,'' he said simply. I stayed silent. He was right.

"I.... Can I stay just another week? I have to get payed for my modeling...'' He looked ready to say no, and I rushed to beg. "Please! Then I'll have the money for us to leave...'' I trailed hopefully. He frowned before nodding curtly.

"Wait. How do I know you won't go to the cops?" he accused.

  "They're already after you!"

"But what if they try to hide YOU. Hide you away from me!"

"I.... I don't know. I won't tell.''

"No, no you won't,'' he said simply before stepping forward. He looked so caring I almost didn't flinch. He grabbed my hand tightly, and I felt my fingers squeezing together and bruising eachother to the bone. "Because I see you. All day, every day Ari. I hear you. Even when you don't see and hear me. So I'd know,'' he whispered affectionately. I shuddered, then dropped next to Rogue when I heard him groan. 

   "You dick. I was only out for a few minutes. You suck at this,'' he grumbled, allowing his eyes to flutter shut briefly as I touched his forehead before opening them and sitting up quickly. He stood slowly, looking confident in himself, before decidedly punching Jack square in the gut. He coughed silently, groaning with the little air he had left as he stumbled towards the doorway. Rogue began to follow but I held him back. 

    "Rogue, stop!" I pleaded.

"After how he hurt you??"

"He's not a bad person, he's just sick,'' I protested as I heard the footsteps running away. Rogue grit his teeth, knowing I was right.

"You have to leave.''

"He always sees me.''

"I..." He sighed, looking at me firmly. "He can only follow you so far, Ari. And I intend to keep you safe.'' I looked up at him, at the small bloom of  red on his chest.



"Can we watch a movie for now?"

"Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter.''

"How'd you know!?"

"I've noticed the crush you're developing. It's a bit odd...''

''He's not really dead, though!''

He pulled me to him. "Don't change the subject. We're fixing this.''



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