Chapter 2: Maybe I Should Move To Brazil

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A/N: YOU MUST WATCH THAT VID. THIS WONT LET ME POST THE YOUTUBE VID. ITS THE MODELS. WATCH IT. NOW. the vid on the right? meh. just watch it while you read. :3 those two depict just how hot the models are. >:O The picture to the right was found on photobucket, and saw chick used it for the cover of her online story. But yeah. :D thats her swimsuit! The youtube video is of our brazilian models, playing as themselves. External link? our other model for the beach scene. :D So, yeah. Ummm. Hehe. Vote, comment, fan, whatever. :3 It just really makes my day when you guys respond, or vote. :D Haha. ^-^ So thank you to the two girls who did!




When she said I'd be toned by the time the week was over, that woman was not kidding.

Every day, I was up at 8:00 on the dot, starting they day off with a jog all the way to the gym. Cars apparently didn't exist in the world of health!! Every day I huffed and puffed and occasionally puked my way to the gym, only to bench press 60 pounds right from the start, do 150 squats (I have no idea how I still have legs) and spend hours on the ground doing push ups and sit ups. We even hiked a bit. That was the first day, and I was horrified to realize that you just have to exercise more as you go. The result was... pretty good. I was curvy, and although I was definately still a plus sized model, my arms were more toned, my legs curvy and sleek, and my stomach flatter. Wide-ish and flat.

I smiled a little on the limo ride to Los Angeles. Lily was in the the seat across from me raiding the refrigerator.

"Oh my God, is this wine!!?'' she shrieked.

"Lils, I don't think Ms. Avery sent the limo to pick up for you to get drunk,'' I snorted.

"Then I guess she'll have a pleasant surprise,'' she said charmingly, taking a small sip and scrunching up her face. I laughed. I had some killer butterflies right now!

"You okay?" she asked, coughing a bit. I looked at her. She was effortlessly gorgeous with her hair up in a loose bun, with high-waisted red shorts and a black and white striped short sleeved shirt; pristine white heels were the finishing touch. I sighed.

"Not really," I said with a shrug. "I just don't know how I'll do. The closest I have to modeling experience is watching full seasons of America's Next Top Model,'' I said dryly, gulping as we came up to a wide blue ocean. It looked like a private beach, as crazy as that sounded. It was as fragile, and yet strong, as a jellyfish. I curled in on myself as the limo driver pulled up. But then again, this is L.A.

"That's all the experience you need! Thanks, bro,'' she quickly thanked him, and he smiled with amusement. I walked out to the front flap of a huge white tent in a daze, only nodding when a secretary waiting by the entrance asked if I was, 'Ms. Lex.' She grinned, and hussled us through the the huge tent, checking her iPhone while simultaneously talking to many people.

My thoughts were interrupted as Lily and I hurried to catch up with her as she swiftly moved through a parting crowd, and I felt a flurry of excitement rush through me when Ms. Avery joined us and everyone began cheering. I barely got a chance to look around as I was plopped next to a plastic window, my sweatpants and t shirt were pulled off, and I was given a mani- pedi. Lily had apparently gotten everyone else to fall in love with her as well, because she was getting one, too!

I laughed, then was pushed up suddenly onto a giant sheet of white paper. They pulled my hair up into a ponytail and a cap was pushed onto my head.

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