Chapter 26: Breakfast

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  I'm pretty glad that there wasn't a legitimate emergency, because I wasn't very reliable as I stared in shock as the people plummeted down the face of the cliff, trails of light marking the torches they held as they hit the water. I heard Rogue's sharp intake of breath, and my shock reached an all time high as the people around us erupted into cheers. I heard a loud whistle, and nearly fell backwards when I saw Aruna was cheering along with them.

  "What the hell is this?" Netis whispered, sounding worried as she sidled up next to me. I suddenly wished Lily was here.

       "They just became adults," Aruna announced proudly, still clapping.

"But the girls are just standing there," Chase pointed out, confused. Rogue and Blake seemed to share that confusion as they tilted their heads in unison like puppies. Aruna shot them all a dirty look, which they shrunk back from as if they'd been stung.

      "Not that, you idiots. Every year at the festival, all the village kids who've turned 19 since the last festival jump off the cliff to announce their adulthood. It's tradition," she explained, smiling. "My jump is tonight. Have any of you turned 19 since this time last year?" Hesitantly, Blake, Chase, and I raised our hands. 

      "Then run," an older guy from our left chimed in. "They're sending up a Jeep for some kids who were late. Catch it before it leaves and you'll make it." Blake and Chase both gasped before grabbing me by each arm, howling like wolves as they ran down the beach. I looked back, and sure enough, Netis, Aruna, and Rogue were following suit. 

      "Come on, guys! Is jumping off a cliff really a good way to have fun?" I asked desperately, nearly slipping.

"Great way to celebrate the beginning of your life," Chase and Blake said in unison.

     "Or to declare its end," I grumbled, panting. We'd finally reached the Jeep, and as I was squished in between the twins I felt the knot in my stomach grow. I looked down at my legs, thinking back to the times I'd sit next to Lily and flush as legs squished together and her thighs barely touched, Smiling wryly now, it was nice to finally realize that I looked fine, even with a little bit of fluff rash. It was normal to ave your thighs rub together, dammit.

Easy to feel beautiful when you're a model now, a nasty voice laughed in my mind. It sounded too much like Lily.

        "Don't look so down, Ari," Rogue said from the front seat, shaking sand from his hair while Netis shrieked. I smiled ruefully.

"I just miss Lily," I admitted with a grimace.

        "Fuck her, what she said was awful," Netis said mercilessly. I flinched, then felt worse when I could think of nothing to defend her. Ever since my career as a model had taken off, I'd heard from Lily less and less. Whenever I called she'd be busy, or need to call me back. Which happened less and less.


    I suddenly felt like I'd swallowed my tongue, and it must have shown on my face, because Netis looked guilty as Rogue tucked a stray hair behind my ear.

     "Sorry, honey. I understand that y'all have been friends for a long time. I just hate her for what she said to you, you know?"

       I understood. I'd feel the a and in her position. "It didn't hurt my feelings that bad," I said feebly, giving a small smile. She gave me a half smile in return, turning back to face front.

   "You didn't see your face when she walked away, Ari," Rogue murmured, turning away as well.


We were nearing the top of the cliff now.  Unfortunately for me and my fluffy thighs, we had to walk about a mile to get up, since the jungle became too thick to drive through. The villagers didn't want to destroy nature just to save time, and I respected them for that. If only home was like that.

     "If I feel one more thing crawl against my leg," Netis began, voice edging towards a shriek.

"That wasn't a thing, that was an animal, baby," Blake crowed, voice sounding smug and husky. A slap sounding through the darkness told me how she felt about that, and I laughed aloud as I saw flames through the trees ahead.

      "You don't know the ways of a true beast yet," Rogue called back, accent sounding even more strong as the small amount of alcohol he'd had took effect. His hand skittered up the back of my thigh, over my ass, and round to my tummy as we walked, and I jumped forward with a shriek, swatting at him.

      "Boys," Netis muttered, shaking her head. Aruna and I scoffed in agreement, emerging from the trees alongside her as the guys sniggered behind us.

      We ended up with a crowd of about 50 guys and girls our age, and people in masks danced aroynd then, spinning torches beautifully. I was mesmerized by the whirling flames as I took Rogue's hand. We walked forward as the oldest looked man was carried forward on a chair that looked as if it took years to carve, judging by the intricacy. He began speaking, and Aruna translated under her breath.

     "Children of the village. Visitors who have reached the brink of childhood, as well," she said softly as he looked over at us with kind, sad eyes. "Today is special. You step towards the edge of your years as a child, and leap into the unknown. It takes not just maturity, or a level head, but strong will, and a kind, compassionate heart." He had paused, looking around, and smiled.

"Who here is ready to take the leap of burden and independence?" Aruna intones in sync.

     Everyone whooped and cheered, and one by one or group by group they leapt off , shrieking. Blake lifted Netis off the ground and took off. Her eyes went wide with shock, and he turned around in time to salute us, a victorious grin on his face as they plummeted, her hand gripping his for dear life.  I shuddered as her scream faded the further down she went.

     Chase turned to Aruna, offering a hand cordially. She looked at it for a bit, the shrugged. "You're definitely not the worst guy to jump with," she laughed. Grabbing his hand, she took off, and he had a look of pure bliss on his face as they fell out of site.

        "Ready to be linked for eternity," I asked, laughing nervously. Kids behind us were talking to their sweethearts.

       "I was born ready," he murmured, kissing me. When we ran, fingers tangled, and leapt, my breath was gone long before the wind snatched any I had away.

       The imposing dark waters raced closer, and I squeezed my eyes shut as the water engulfed me. It was warm, and loud. I swallowed a bit of salt water as I gasped, wondering what had just floated into me. A float! I threw my arms over it just as another pair of tanned, toned atms grabbed it. Rogue coughed, then shook the water from his eyes.

     "I'm wet," he said flatly, looking around at the ocean. I started howling with laughter, the adrenaline still coarsing through me as a small boat pulled up to take everyone back to land.


We danced. And danced. Until I couldn't feel my feet, and Netis was being carried to Aruna's Jeep, and Aruna was in no shape to drive it. Fortunately Blake had just one beer, and was good to drive since that beet was a few hours earlier. I leaned heavily against Rogue, feet pounding as if they had a heart.

    "You know something crazy?" Rogue suddenly announced, slurring his words.

"What?" I asked loudly.

    "Blake is sober," he whispered loudly.

  We all immediately howled with laughter, holding our sides as we climbed from the Jeep and stumbled to the porch.

       "You know what I wanna do?" Aruna spoke up.

"Whaaaaaaat?" Chase said, crawling to the potted plant and holding it lovingly.

      "I'm gonna make you guys breakfast," she declared, spinning a spatula expertly in hand. I glanced at the clock. 3:17 am.

   Chase's head shot up, eyes glassy.

"I want to make you my fucking wife," he said breathlessly.

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