That neckless is the reason I'm dead

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oh no, where starting here? okay.

from the very beginning, I've always made a statement.

it was a bright sunny day. and a woman named Catherine placed her baby boy in a pram ready to take a nice walk down the small town. the baby was different from others, he had black and white hair. as she walked out of her house an elderly woman smiled at her before taking one look at the child.

not everyone appreciated that.

once the woman looked at the child she said, " that's unfortunate." Catherine looked down at her baby with a sad smile.

but I wasn't for everyone. speaking of statements, here's one.

Catherine leans down to her baby and placed the blanket over him as a red ruby neckless dangled in front of him. he reaches for it as Catherine chuckled with a smile.

that neckless is the reason I'm dead. but I'm getting ahead of myself. from an early age, I realized I saw the world differently than everyone else.

The young baby was now a young boy. he was sitting in the living room with his mother as he was sewing with his mother. once he was finished with his design on his teddy bear he showed it to his mother, " look" he said. " well, that's not the pattern. you have to follow the pattern, there's a way of doing things" Catherine said kindly. the boy took one look at the small jumper his mother made and said, " that's ugly"

including my mother.

" that' cruel. you're name's estell, not cruel" Catherine said before smiling at Estell, but he ripped the small jumper out of his mother's hands and ripped it in two.

it wasn't her I was challenging, it was the world. but of course, my mother knew that. that's what worried her.

it was a normal day to estell, he was standing in front of his school as his mother stood next to him. " remember, you belong here as much as anyone. they're lucky to have you." Catherine said, " agreed." estell said with a stern tone.Catherine taps his shoulder to get his attention, he turned to look at her, " hey. what do you say to cruel when he tries to get the better of you?" she asks. " thank you for coming, but you may go now. " estell said as he gripped his school bag. Catherine smiled as she nodded, " good. now say goodbye to him." she said, " goodbye, cruel." estell said before he started walking towards the school as Catherine watched. " well, be polite. and good. and friendly." she called out before letting out a sigh.

estell walked down the school halls as he took off his jacket and turned it inside out to reveal a fashioned jacket he designed himself.

how does the saying go? " I am man. hear me roar. " well, that wasn't much of a thing back in 1964, but it was about to be.

then two boys stopped in front of him as he held out his hand for a handshake, " Hi, my name's estell." estell said kindly. but the boy's scoffs and said, " look. a skunk's got loose in the building" the boy said referring to Estell's black and white hair. they walked away as estell sighed before looking up at his hair. then a young girl walked up, " hi, I'm Anita." the girl said as estell smiled at her. " estell." estell introduced. " ignore them." Anita said kindly, " just did. but it might not last." estell said as he had an evil smile on his face. but then one of the boys fired a spitball at him, it landed on Estell's check as he closed his eye's and let out a sigh of anger.

" ignore them?" didn't I just say " hear me roar?"

that day, estell and one of the boy's got into a fight as estell kept punching him in the face till he got grabbed and taken to the principal's office.

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