The New Job

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it's funny how those happy accidents can change the whole direction of your life. although, looking back, " happy" may be the wrong word. 

estell arrived at a large budling as he run the doorbell. (Y/N) smiled as she answers the door, " hello" she said kindly as estell smiled, " hello" he replied as they looked at each other. " oh, come in." she said as estell walks him and followed (Y/N). he followed her up a flight of stairs as designed dresses and suits stood on a large window side. " oh, wait" estell said as (Y/N) turned to face him, " I never got your name. " he said as (Y/N), " it's (Y/N)" she said kindly as estell takes her hand, " estell." he said before placing a hiss on her hand making her blush. " so, what do you do here?" estell asks as they continued to walk up the stairs, " I'm the baron's personal assistant." (Y/N) said as estell catches up with her and was not next to her. " that must be an honour" estell said as (Y/N) smiled, " it is." she said. 

she kept leading into a large room where people were designing fabulous dresses and suits as estell looked around in awe. (Y/N) looked up at the balcony leading to the baron's office as saw him walking into the room before she started walking up to be by his side as always. " silence" a man called out to the workers as everyone turned to look at the baron on the balcony as (Y/N) stood among side him holding a newspaper in her hand. the baron looked at (Y/N) with a flirty smile before turning back to the workers, " my last show was a triumph. shall I read you from tattletale?" he said before he gently took the paper from (Y/N)'s hand as his other hand gently stroked her hip making her shiver a little before he moved away with a chuckle. estell could see that (Y/N) was uncombable by the baron's action but couldn't say anything about it as the baron started reading the paper out loud. " baron's designs stunned with his reinvention of the A-line with a bias cut and higher line that ...." he started before someone coughs as it echoed around the room. everyone went silent as the baron looked around before looking back at the paper, " reshapes the silhouette In such an audacious way the audience broke into rapturous applause at first sight as his personal model miss (Y/N) (L/N) walked the runway in grace and beauty. he really is a genius." the baron finished with a victory smile on his face as he looked at (Y/N), "I'll read that bit again, shall I? " he said to her before turning to his workers, " he really is a genius. a triumph. take a moment to revel in it" he said as he placed his hands on the railing as everyone was still quiet. he then throws the newspaper behind him, " oh, that's enough. new how. we must be perfect. now go, and you, my dear." he said as he pointed to (Y/N) before signalling her to come with him, " follow me." he finished before walking away as she followed.

estell was shocked and yet confused, he didn't know that (Y/N) was a model until now. then he was knocked out of his train of thought as some tapped his shoulder, he turned to the woman, " hey. might want to grab a mannequin, some fabric, and throw something together. the baron needs looks" the woman said before walking away. " looks, right" estell said to himself before walking off ready to design. as he was designing the dress he thinks of (Y/N) wearing it, how her body would it gently inside it and the shape of her hip as the dress would wrap itself around her perfectly. once he was finished he smiled as he lined up his dress with all the other dresses and outfits as he baron and (Y/N) walked down together looking at them, one by one. 

" it's foolish. unhinged. we'll, you're fired. " the baron said as he looked a each dress and suit as he walked by. " pasty, pasty, pasty" he said as he taps a straight razor in his hand before he stops and saw the dress estell made. (Y/N) smiled at estell as she looked at the dress in awe before the baron pulled out the razor and with a quick slick, he cut the sleeves off as estell was about to touch the dress and cut his wrist in the process making (Y/N) gasp. estell hisses in pain, " why are you speaking?" the baron asks as he kept looking at the dress more, (Y/N) walks next to estell and grabs his wrist gently, "I think you nicked me." estell said. the baron looked at Estell's blood as it slowly and gently trickled down his arm. he grabs estell's arm making hiss again in pain and placing it next to the dress before turning to the fabric workers and saying," fabrics! can you get me a red like that?" the baron lets go of Estell's hand as he held it tight to him before the baron walks away. (Y/N) looks at estell and smiled before saying, " it's beautiful." as she followed. estell thinks for a moment at what happens before smiling at himself with proudness. 

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