The Truth

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Estel wakes up in a different home as he felt buddy lick his face. he wakes to see himself in a living room as he saw the man from the baron's black and white ball walk in with a tray of tea. tea, Mr cruel?" the man said. cruel sat up as he gently placed buddy on his lap and pets him. " why am I alive?"cruel asks. " because I dragged you out of the smoke and flames before they consumed you." the man said before placing the tray on the table. " I never knew your name?" cruel said, " it's john ." john introduced, there was a moment of silence until john broke it" I have something for you," he said before pulling out a cloth and unwrapping it to reveal the ruby neckless. cruel looked confused, " you found it?" he asks. " in the fire. I can assure you it's been, uh, thoroughly bleached." john said with a little smile. cruel didn't say anything, " may I show you something?" john asks as cruel watched him take the chain off the rudy to reveal a small key at the end. " I didn't know it had a key." cruel said as he takes the key and looks at it. " what's it to?" cruel asks. " this." john said as he looked at a box sitting on the table in front of him, cruel gently placed the key int eh box keyhole and turns it. the box unlocked and opens, cruel saw a folded piece of paper inside and read it. it was a birth certificate, " the baron has a kid?" cruel asks with a scoff, " you" john said. cruel looked in disbelief and confusion. " may I walk you through it?" 

background story - 

the baroness was a sweet lady, the baron, on the other hand, he's a true narcissist. 

the baron was working at his desk when his wife walked in with a smile on her face.

so when the baroness found she was pregnant...

the baroness placed her hand on his shoulder and said, " I'm pregnant." at that moment eh baron had a look of anger as he gripped his pen making it snap. 

 he wasn't exactly thrilled. 

as the months went by and the baby grew. the baroness walked into the baron's office with a box. 

the baroness was delighted, so much so that she surprised him by giving him a family heirloom. 

she placed the box on the table and opens it to reveal the red ruby neckless, the baron smiled at her as he gently kissed her hand before hugging her. 

he took the neckless, but he had other plans for you.

" stop. you keep saying " you" " cruel said in confusion, " you are his son" john. cruel scoffs as he shakes his head in disbelief. " I was there when you were born. " john said. 

the baroness became unconscious after giving birth to you. so the baron ordered me to do the unthinkable. 

the baron looked at the baby before handing it to john. " you know what to do" the baron said as Jhon looked in shock as he took the baby in his arms. 

it was a diabolical request. I knew I needed to protect you. but how? 

John walked down the stairs with the baby in his arms. he stopped in his track at the bottom of the stars before he turned and saw cruel's adoptive mother, Catherine. 

then I saw Catherine, the sweetest woman who ever lived. she saved you. the baron said the child had died. 

cruel looked in shock as he tried to hold in his anger as a single tear fell down his face, " and my mother?" he asks. John didn't know what to say. " tell me." cruel said firmly as his hands shake, " the baroness, she, uh, wasted away of a broken heart." john said. cruel took a deep breath as his anger was now getting closer to burst, " the point I'm making is, you are the rightful heir to the baron's entire fortune. the mansion, the title. everything. " john said before cruel stood up in anger and said, " THAT PSYCHO CANNOT BE MY FARTHER!". there was a moment of silents before cruel walked out of the house. 

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