the gala / rescue

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cruel sighed as he sat on a balcony wall looking out at the streets of London before jasper walked up and sat next to him. " sure about this?" japer asks. cruel stayed silent as he nodded slightly. " no, I'm being serious. " jasper said as cruel chuckled, " your funny when you are" he said. " I know you're in pain. and I know that he caused it." jasper said as he was referring to the baron. " but, you know, killing him is not gonna make that go away. and (Y/N), killing him will not save her, I will kill her to know that the man she loves, did something that terrible." jasper said making cruel go silent. cruel thinks for a moment before saying, " I won't, I promise"  jasper nodded with a sigh as cruel turned away slightly and whispered, " unless I really, really have to." jasper looked shocked as cruel turned back to him, " thanks for helping me. " cruel said with a smiled before the sound of a car horn was heard and they both looked down to see Horace with a black and white car. " when I fixed it, I noticed a name" Horace yelled to them, " do you know what his car's called? a devil!" Horace yelled out as japer yelled back, " it de Ville, mate." cruel smiled at the name as he said, " I like that." 

meanwhile, the baron was getting ready for the gala. " when I said, all those years ago, " take care of it." what did you think I meant?" the baron asks john as he slightly, " well, was a little confused" john said before whispering, "I hardly thought you meant you wanted me to kill your only child." john whispers to the baron. " and here I thought we knew each other." the baron said before a knock on the door was heard. everyone watched as two security guards walked in, " well? I hope for your sake, he's hidden in your coat" the baron said to his guard as he looked at through the mirror in front of him. the guards remained silent making the baron sigh in anger. he turned to his guards and said, " George come here." his guard walked up to him before the baron punched him in the face. " he'll be here tonight." the baron said as he rubbed his knuckles." he better be that way by the end of the night and (Y/N) will finally be mine." " I've got a special treat for him," one of the guards said before pulling out a tazer from his pocket. " it'll up a shock through him and leave him incapacitated." the guard said. " give it to me." the baron said as he held out his hand, the guard placed the tazer in the baron's hand before he shocks the guard with it. the guard gasps in pain as the baron smiled, " that's marvellous." the baron said as a maid walked past before he shocked her making the woman fall to the ground. " oh, I could do that all day!"  the baron said with a smile before turning to his guards before saying, " oh! just find him, you idiots!" te guards nodded before leaving as the baron sighed in frustration as he placed a silver dog whistle in his pocket. " why am I the only one who's competent?" the baron whispers to himself " must be very tiring. should be a memorable night tonight, baron" john said as he handed the dog's leads to the baron. the baron looks at the small box in his pocket and said, " indeed it should" before leaving the room with his dogs. 

meanwhile outside, guests were arriving, but something was different. security grabs a woman who was dressed in black clothes and had white and black hair just like cruel. the woman gasps in fear before the guards realized it wasn't cruel. the guards were confused as more guests arrived dressed as cruel. 

as the baron walked down the hallway, one of his security walked up, " is he here?" the baron asks but the guard tried to think of what to say, " well, that's the problem, see, uh..." the guard started but the baron shushes the man as he kept walking. he made it to (Y/N)'s room and knocked before a maid answered. " is she ready?" he asks. the maid nodded before opening the door wider to reveal (Y/N) dressed in a silver dress, her hair was up in a bun and she had light makeup on. the baron smiled as he walked towards her, " you look beautiful." the baron said before kissing her cheek. " thank you" (Y/N) said slightly as she knew once she said the wrong thing, something bad would happen. the baron chuckled before taking her hand in his, " our people awaits." he said before leading (Y/N) out of the room.

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