The Black And White Ball

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" his black and white ball, that's where we'll do it." estell said as he taps the board of newspapers and plans for the heist. " it's our biggest job ever." jasper said before turning to Horace, " oi, Horace. attention," jasper said as Horace nodded, " we need to know their security set up. where the cameras are. where the guards are posted. and what the schedules are. we need to know every detail and every blind spot." estell exsplanded as he paced back and forth. " then, all we need to do is disable the security system, bypass the cameras, open the safe, steal the necklace during the biggest party of the season." estell finished as he stopped in his track and turned to jasper and horace who were sitting at the table. " so many people, his security will be stretched to the limit and just to be sure, a distraction where I get the key to the keypad and safe." estell said as jasper raised his hand. estell nodded his head at jasper before he asks, " eight, so what is the distraction?" estell leaned on the table with his arms crossed and said, " I discovered he likes to throw people who offended him sensibilities out of his parties. old people. people in gold. sad people.people who carry poodles. but also stunningly dressed people who pull the focus off of him or (Y/N) who is by his side at every party. " estell explained.

" what about one of the elderly broads?" Horace asks as estell turned to face Horace, " me, Horace. I will be the distraction." Horace shrugged his shoulder, " all right" he said. estell looked at the board and smiled, "besides, wrecking havoc at galas is my personal speciality. " estell said before jasper stood up with a sigh and said, " well, I don't know about that. but here's a problem.. won't he recognize you?" " that's a good point," Horace said, " I guess" estell replied with a sigh. " and when that happens won't you lose your job? " jasper said, " it's not on the board," Horace said as he points at the board. " a job I think you love. " " are you thinking?" " I mean, he sees you're talented, right?" jasper said as estell snappy said, " yes, yes." " well, maybe... maybe you don't need the necklaces." Horace looked at him with a look of confusion, " mate, come on! it's the angle." Horace said, " it's just a necklace." jasper replied before estell slammed his hand on the table making jasper and Horace jump. "I want it back! " estell said in anger, there was silence before Horace said, " he's the boss.". " and you're right. you're right. he will recognize me. so estell can't go to the ball, but I know someone who can." estell said with an evil smile.

that night of the ball, Jasper and Horace were waiting in a pest control van to get ready to go in, " right, let's do it." Horace said as he was dressed in a pest control outfit. " yeah. let's go and ruin someone's day." jasper replied as Horace looked confused, " you mean the baron?" Horace asks as jasper looked at him as he was getting out of the van, " obviously, I mean the baron. why? who did you think I...." jasper started but Horace stopped him by saying, " well you said someone, someone could be anyone" Horace said as Jasper rolled his eyes. " let's just do this, Horace" jasper said as Horace sighs and placed wink in his bag dressed at a rat. Horace walked to the back entrance as jasper went in below the building. Horace walked towards security but was not allowed in, " not tonight, son" the man said. " well, you know what? they said it was an emergency. " Horace said as wink jumped out the bag and silently got inside without being detected. " this is a private event." the man said, " kind of vermin I deal with, they don't wait for an invitation. what they do is, they get in, they bite posh people who then froth at the mouth, their eyes spin in the back of their head and then the posh people die. " Horace said but the man scoffs. " that's a beautiful story, mate. I almost welled up, yeah?" the man said but then Horace looked behind the mean and froze, " freeze. freeze" he said, " whatever you do, don't turn around," Horace said in a warning tone. the man turned around and wink jumped on top of the man growing before jumping off and running into the building as the man let out a small scream. " well, don't just stand there! get in and get him out!" the man yelled out to Horace who nodded and took after wink. jasper got below the building towards the security camera's wires and made sure the cameras were fixed so no one could see estell walking in.

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