the masterpiece/ The Show

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that morning, jasper and Horace was outside with the three dalmation waiting for them to do their business to get the ruby neckless back. Horace scans the area the dogs have been with a metal detector hoping for any luck. once Horace scanned the area he let out a sigh, " getting anything?" jasper asks as he walked all three dogs. Horace shakes his head in disappointment, " noting?" jasper asks, " nothing" Horace replied. Jasper sighs before being pulled forwards slightly by the dogs, " you know, I'm worried about him" he said. " what. Estel?" Horace asks in confusion, " yeah" jasper replied as he pulled the dogs back. " oh, he's just playing a part for the grift. rude part" Horace said before he was pulled forward, " hey stop it!" Horace yelled out to the dog. 

later that day, the baron walked into his business when he asks Estel, " where's the beading for the dress?" Estel walked past him with the base of the dress on a manakin as he said, " ordered. just waiting on this idiot delivery man." and at that moment, have walked in with a crate, " oh, good day to you, sir." Horace said getting Estel's attention. " got some fashion items that are most fashionable." Horace joked as Estel slightly chuckled as Horace stopped the creature in front of him. " thank you, delivery man." cruel said as the baron watched them from his office window. Horace opens the create lid as Estel smiled at the gold beads. that night, Estel swen the beads on the dress by hand, one by one. then (Y/N) walked in, " (Y/N) what you doing here at this time?" Estel asks as he kept sewing the beads on,  " I like to stay behind and have a look at peoples work, the baron won't let me see the dresses until I wear them, so I like to get a closer look behind the scenes." (Y/N) said as she looked around in aw. Estel chuckled a little as he kept sewing, (Y/N) turned and looked at the drawing he did of the dress, " Is this what your making?" she asks, Estel quickly closed the book as (Y/N) looked at him in confusion. " um, yes. it's for you. I wanted to surprise you" he said. (Y/N) smiled as she leans on the table, " well I haven't fully seen it yet, so it will still be a surprise." she said. Estel looked at her in surprise at her words, but smiled. "you're starting to sound like him" Estel said, " who?" (Y/N) asks. " cruel. I've known him before" Estel said as (Y/N) smiled brightly as she grabs a chair and sat next to Estel who kept working. " who is he? what is he like? where does he get these amazing ideas for his outfits?" she asked as estel chuckled at her excitement. he leans back in his chair with a sigh and turns to her, "I knew him once. he would always get into trouble, he enjoyed trouble. but he had a mind for fashion. everydrawing he did, brought something no one had seen before."estel said with a sigh before he said, " but not everyone though he was normal, they said he was a freak, nothing more than that. so he went into hiding." estel finished as he looked at (Y/N) who felt sorry for this cruel person. " but now he's back to show the world what he made of." estel said with a proud smile as (Y/N) gently rubbed estel's shoulder, " well, in my opinion. he has done something beautiful. if you see him, can u tell him that for me?" she asks, estel nodded his head. " thank you." (Y/N) said before kissing estel's check making him blush as he watched her leave the room. Estel smiled would not leave his face as he started sewing again, he wanted to finish this dress for her.  

the next morning everyone was looking at the folded dress in awe, Estel smiled slightly as the baron walked in with (Y/N). they both look at the dress as (Y/N) walked closer to it, " it's...." (Y/N) started but couldn't find the words, " stunning." Estel finished as (Y/N) slightly nodded her head before turning to the baron with a smile. the baron looked at the dress with a proud look," I've done it again" he said to himself as Estel kept quiet at the comment. (Y/N) walked back to the baron with joy, " it's more than stunning" she said with joy. the baron took her hands and said, " let's go make history, my dear." (Y/N) agreed with him before turning back to the dress as the baron said to himself, "I need a drink. Estel, come" the baron walked away with Estel following behind as everyone kept looking at the dress. 

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