10 Years Later

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estell looks at himself in the bathroom mirror as he was finishing brushing his teeth. he sighs before walking out the bathroom door and into the studio apartment he owns with jasper and Horace. " let's go, buddy." he said to his little friend who jumped off Estell's bed. estell walks towards a hat stand and takes a hat off  before calling out, " we're on!" 

before I knew it, ten years had passed. you could even say we had made a home for ourselves. 

" Horace! heads-up" estell said as he throws the hat to Horace who caught it in his hand as he groans and said, " two! minutes! it's stoppage-time" but jasper just shook his head as he walked by as he was putting his jacket on while saying, " Horace, let's go!". estell was about to take a bite of his toast as he gave Horace a death glare and said, " get dressed" Horace raised his hands up in defeat and walked off. 

we were like a family. a family that's good at.... stealing stuff. really, really really good. we expanded our business. I designed fabulous disguises. we'd steal. I'd design. we'd steal. design. it was a beautiful operation. 

one day, estell was dressed as a doorman and was standing in a hotel room looking out at a billboard of a fashion designer called The Baron

I got to do what I love, we were reaping the rewards. but as good as things were, I felt I was meant for more in this life. that my mum would've wanted more for me. I just didn't know what. 

estell sighs before he hears the door open behind him and jasper walks in. " hey! psst!" jasper whispers as estell turned to him. " what are you doing?" jasper whispers, before estell got up and walked out the door with jasper. " just bored." estell moans. " bored? are you kidding?" Horace said as he walks out of the room with a small tv as jasper and estell looked at him. " I found a tiny TV. Japanese fellow asleep on the bed." Horace whispers one excitement as Jasper rolled his eyes. but the estell stops the boys in his tracks as he saw a hotel manager spot them in the distance " uh, excuse me, who are you three?" the man asks before estell said, " run". the three theifs took off running down the hall as Horace drops the tv and followed. 

that night, estell was lying on his bed trying to think about what his future would be when he saw buddy jump on the bed with a party hat on his head. estell chuckled a little before he heard singing coming towards him. " one, two thee, happy birthday to you! happy birthday, dear estell, happy birthday to you!" jasper and Horace said as they placed a cake down in front of estell who smiled. " this is the nicest birthday in..... in a while" estell said, " not to Judy" Horace said as he sat down, " who's Judy?" estell asks, " it doesn't matter. it is no big deal. she just..." Horace said but estell stood up and walk towards them and said, " oh, Judy." he sat down with jasper and Horace, " might be hungry." Horace said. estell smiled and he blew out the candle and both Horace and jasper clapped a little, " make a wish." Horace said, " thanks, guys, thanks, Judy." estell said before jasper pushed an envelope towards estell. " what's this?" he asks as he opens it. " this is an offer of employment from the liberty of London. entry-level position." jasper said as estell read the letter before smiling. " what is that place?" Horace asks, " it's the most fashionable department store in the city. how did you do this?" estell asks as jasper smiled, " pulled a couple of strings." he said

 " I love liberty! " estell said, " yeah, I know you do. I see you look at it every time we pass. now, I might have padded out your CV a bit. as in, completely. invented it." jasper said before Horace said, " we've all done it." jasper looked at him and said, " yeah, we've all done it. everyone does it." he turned back to estell, " invented a few references. if they ask you how you know prince Charles, you just say it's a polo thing." jasper said as estell raised an eyebrow, " right," he said, horace scoffs and said, " alright, what's the angle?" jasper looked horace and said, " there is no angle, other than estell living his dream." jasper said as horace shook his head, " right, okay. what is it really? what's the angle?" he said with a  chuckle. " no, there is..... all right, I'll tell you what, the angle is that estell is way too talented to be doing grifts with the likes of me and you." jasper said as estell smiled. " thanks, jasper," estell said kindly. 

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