Who Is Cruel?

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the next morning Horace and jasper were sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast before jasper broke the silence, " we should lay low." he said. Horace nodded his head slightly, " yeah" he replied as he kept eating his breakfast. " it was a bit much, last night. " jasper said as Horace scoffs and said, " you think? I fell into a cake." jasper chuckled as Horace gave him a look making him go quiet. then cruel walks out of his room, but he was different. he wear a black outfit with black gloves and shoes, his hair was still his original colour, black and white. something changed in him as he walked towards jasper and Horace, he was darker than before. " morning, boys." he said. Horace looked at jasper in confusion at Estel's new look, " morning." he said carefully before Estel knocks Horace's breakfast on the floor with his cane before slamming a new paper on the table. 

" so, let's begin." Estel said, jasper chuckled before saying, " you're not gonna kill him, are ya?" he said as he looked at the news article about the baron's party. Estel shrugged his shoulders, " it's not part of the current plan, but we might need to be adaptable." Estel said, " so, that's a no?" japer said. Estel walked behind jasper and Horace making them feel off. " if you heard a " no" it is. now, the necklace." Estel said as he smacked his cane on the table making Horace and jasper jump, " one of the dalmatians ate it. not sure which one. so you'll need to kidnap all of them. " Estel said as jasper tried to think about what Estel was saying. " all right, sorry. slow down. what? what are we..." jasper started but Estel cuts him off and turned to him and said, " if I'm going to need to repeat myself a lot, this isn't going to work out." jasper raised an eyebrow as Estel was still using his posh voice, " why you still talking like that? grift's over." jasper said as Horace nodded slightly. Estel goes quiet before saying, " the neckless went in one end, yes? it's going to come out the other. that's how it works." Estel smiled slightly before walking towards the elevator. " and what about breakfast? which is now on the floor" Horace complained, Estel, rolled his eyes as he closed the elevator gate. " what's the rest of the plan? where are you going?" jasper ask, " need-to-know basis." Estel replied as the elevator started going down. " but that's not how we usually... work." jasper finished as Estel was gone. " that was rude." Horace said in shock, " yeah, but it's his mum, innit? we gotta cut him some slack. help him out." jasper said as he takes a sip of his tea. " well, it's not seeming like a lot of fun. my Krispies are on the floor." Horace said with a sigh of frustration as he gets up. " yeah, yeah. I know. let's just get the dogs." jasper replied as he too followed. 

meanwhile, at the London editorial, Anita walked into the lobby and saw Estel smiling at her. " Anita darling," Estel said with a smile. as Anita sat at her desk, Estel was sat in front of her. " Estel, it's been so long. you know, I kept staring at you at the party. then it came to me. that's Estel from school." Anita said as Estel smiled and chuckled a little bit as he leans back in his chair. " it's not Estel. that's the past.  I'm cruel." he said. Antia goes quiet for a moment not knowing what to say before cruel leans forward and said, " so you go to parties and your take pictures and you print gossip? that's your job?" Anita nodded slightly with a warm smile, " yes, well. not as fun as it sounds." she replied. " oh, it doesn't sound fun. it sounds useful" cruel said. Anita raised an eyebrow in confusion as cruel looked around before turning back to Anita and said, "I'd like to start my own label. why don't we work together to create some buzz for this old rag that you continually fill with that old hog?" cruel said refining to the baron. Anita smiled, " you have that glint in your eye?" she said as cruel means forward and leans on the table. " what glint?" he asks. " well, I'm starting to remember that you have a bit of an extreme side." anti replied as cruel chuckled as he leans back in his chair, " well, then you remember what fun that is?" he said with an evil smile. Anita stopped smiling for a moment as cruel said, " now, I want you to help me tell them who I am.". 

meanwhile, outside a dog groomer, Horace and jasper were sitting in their truck waiting to put their plan in action. Horace pet's wink who was sitting on his lap and said, " you notice how some dog owners look a lot like their dogs?" he said, jasper scoffs and said, " no. I've never noticed that." then Horace covered one of his eyes with his hand referring to an eye patch as he looked at wink then back to jasper. " how about now?" he said as Jasper shakes his head. " all right, let's have a bit of professionalism, please, Horace. we've got a job to do alright." jasper said as Horace placed his hand down with a huff, " wink is a very likeable dog. I'm not sure this plan will work." Horace said with worry in their voice. " it'll work." jasper said as he opens the door for Horace letting him out of the van  before closing the door. " remember, wink, they can smell fear." Horace said as he placed wink in front of the dog groomer entrance and opens the door getting the three dalmatians attention. 

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