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Yellow Wood High School stood in front of him, its aura welcoming him like it had been waiting with him for this very moment. The students walking inside paid him no mind, too occupied with getting to their classes or talking with friends to notice the newcomer.

    Checking his schedule for the hundredth time, he tried to memorize his homeroom number. Due to the quick transfer, he had no time to take a tour of the school and therefore had no clue where to go or where to begin. His mom said that the teachers wouldn't mind helping him out, but he would have rather asked a student and began making connections.

    Locating a boy with short-cut brown hair, he hurried over and nervously pulled him aside. The boy didn't seem disturbed by being asked for directions, but seemed genuinely curious about him.

    "Oh! We're in the same class," The boy said, a friendly smile illuminating his face. "Feel free to follow me. My name is Kim Hongjoong, by the way."

    Hyunjin walked slightly behind Hongjoong, making sure to take note of his surroundings and any landmarks that could help him if he were to get lost. Hongjoong was popular, but hadn't let it get to his head. He made sure Hyunjin felt comfortable, and talked to him as if they had been friends for years.

    "Does Kim Seungmin go here?" Hyunjin asked out of the blue. The day had just started but he felt like he was walking on cloud nine. The only way the day could get better was if his childhood friend were here.    

    "No, unfortunately. He used to but transferred schools a few months ago," Hongjoong replied. "I miss him a lot."

    His hopes had been deflated like a balloon, but he still had made a new friend. So far, everything was going according to plan.

    "Come to think of it, a lot of people transferred out of this school this year. I think at least seven did," Hongjoong said, placing his backpack in front of his desk. "My friend Wooyoung's friend transferred around the same time as Seungmin and from the way Wooyoung acted, you would have thought he died. It's kinda strange."

    Hyunjin wondered if the school was that bad to cause so many students to move away, but his mom had promised it was the best school in the area. Speaking of her, what she had told him a few days back still haunted him at times, but he refused to let it hold him back. It was in the past, and the past was meant to be forgotten.

    "Class, we have a new student with us today," The teacher began, gesturing to Hyunjin. "If you don't mind standing up and introducing yourself."

    Hesitantly, he stood up, realizing that he hated all the eyes of his classmates being on him. "Hello, I'm Hwang Hyunjin."

    Awkwardly, he sank back into his seat, Hongjoong giving him an encouraging smile. Most of his classmates continued on with their day, but others, mostly girls, came up to make their first impression.

    None of his classmates truly acknowledged his existence until class began. While they were taking out their textbooks, Hyunjin pulled out his laptop, accessing the textbook from there. That earned him more than a few dirty looks.

    "Teacher, Hyunjin has his computer out," A student complained, pointing at him accusingly.   

    "It's okay, he has permission," The teacher said calmly, attempting to continue on with the lesson.

    "That's not fair! If he can use a computer, why can't we?" Their argument was agreed on by almost the entire class.

    "Why don't you mind your own business?" Hongjoong spat, defusing the situation.

    He didn't want to be hated on the first day of school. Why couldn't he just have a normal textbook?


    The day quickly went from pleasant to a nightmare. Having Hongjoong by his side made things easier, but it didn't help the fact that he had been pulled down from cloud nine so quickly that it gave him whiplash.
    News about him spread quickly, other students whispering not-so-discreetly about him behind his back. Hongjoong tried to intervene but there was only so much he could do. His mom was right. The kids didn't like him. However, this still beats being alone.

    "I'm sorry your first day went like this," Hongjoong said sympathetically. "Come find me if anyone bothers you too much, okay?"

    Hyunjin nodded, tears filling his eyes. Who knew the world outside his home could be so cruel and yet so kind? Once Hongjoong boarded his bus home, Hyunjin was forced to accept the fact that without him, he was completely alone. It was foolish of him to believe that he would ever be liked.

    As he walked home, he heard yelling form an alleyway but chose to ignore it. He didn't want to risk getting hurt and it was none of his business anyway. That was until a rock went flying past his face so fast that he could hear the wind in his ears.

    "Hey, Hwang! Come over here. We wanna talk to you."

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