'The Kids' were caught off guard by the sudden opportunity to escape, but they didn't hesitate to take it. They had no clue if the laboratory was on fire or not. Their plan included stealing information about themselves, but if the building really was on fire, they would have to live in the blind.

Jeongin tested the door which was surprisingly unlocked, everyone else running out behind him. Outside of their living quarters was complete chaos. No one paid them any mind as countless people in white lab coats ran around, trying to take as much data and equipment with them as possible. Seeing as how no one cared that they were out of their living quarters without supervision, they weren't under the category of 'important.'

Hyunjin's legs still felt weak from lack of use, but he hoped they wouldn't give out on him in this life-or-death situation. The yells of the workers rivaled the blare of the fire alarm as they took a less-crowded path out of the building.

As they passed the lab, he noticed everyone looking at it longingly, craving information on why they lost control at the sight of blood and why they had to go through all of this. Hyunjin would be lying if he said he didn't want to know more about himself as well, but knowing something would do him no good if he were to die moments later. The laboratory was huge, and they would have time to steal at least a little bit of information, but that time could also decide whether they live or die.

Just as they were about to round the corner, the path to freedom in sight, Jisung was pulled into the lab, screaming and struggling. His screams were almost drowned out by the fire alarm, but it was loud enough to draw their attention.

Chan entered the lab first, looking around cautiously for whoever was holding Jisung hostage. The lab was pitch black with the exception of being lit up every few seconds with the bright light of the fire alarm.

"Boo," Said a deep voice from behind a rack of various lab equipment. Jisung was struggling against them, his mouth covered by their hand. The person holding him hostage wore a black sweatshirt, the hood pulled up so that it covered their face.

"Let him go right now. None of us have time to be bargaining," Seungmin said sternly, stepping forward to take action if needed.

"I don't want to bargain. I just thought I would have some fun with you guys."

Hyunjin couldn't help but think about how familiar the voice sounded, but there was something very off about it. They let go of Jisung who ran over to them, fear in his eyes. The person in the black sweatshirt stepped out from behind the rack, handing Chan a stack of folders.

"I have all of your files!" They said in a sing-song voice. "Now, we should probably get out of here before we all get burned to a crisp. I may or may not have committed arson."

Without question, they resumed their escape, everyone confused about the newcomer. By now, almost all of the workers had cleared out of the building. They were able to smell smoke, but they were so close to the exit that if the fire wasn't blocking it, they would have more than enough time to escape.

The person in the black sweatshirt ran forward and held open the emergency door for them. Once outside, Hyunjin saw the workers gathered in a large field behind the laboratory, talking anxiously amongst themselves, unaware that their main test subjects were escaping.

They snuck around back, careful to avoid drawing any unwanted attention to themselves. Once they were out of the worker's line of vision and were a safe distance away from the building, the person in the black sweatshirt shook their head.

"I'm offended that no one recognized me. Here I was thinking that you guys were my friends." With a dramatic pause, he pulled down his hood. "Surprise!"

"Felix?!" Everyone cried in unison, pulling him into a right group hug. The aftermath of hives stood out against his pale skin, but other than that, he looked alive and as well as he possibly could be.

"We thought you were dead!" Jeongin sobbed.

"Long story short, I was forced to fake my own death to get the rest of you to comply," Felix explained, the disgust in his voice evident. "I really did have a reaction to one of the drugs though. You can probably tell."

Hyunjin couldn't speak for anyone else, but his joy about knowing that Felix was alive canceled out his anger and disgust at the scientists and their methods. They may have thought they would comply, but in the end, they were outsmarted. They had put the scientist's reign of terror to an end and could finally walk free.

"Do you guys wanna wait and watch the lab go up in flames, or do you wanna get the hell out of here?"

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