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Changbin slammed his fists against the metal door, feeling like the bones in his hands were on the verge of shattering. Hyunjin had taken notice of him and he only had a few moments left before his death. He knew all too well what he had done to people while in this state. It would be no exception for Hyunjin.

    "Tranquilize him!" Changbin shouted at the guards. Unknown to him, they had their orders: they can attack once Changbin was incapacitated.

    His eyes lingered on the mannequin on the floor, its head torn cleanly off. Those mannequins were designed to withstand explosions. He was in trouble.

    Abruptly, Hyunjin redirected his attention from Changbin to a nearby guard. The guard was quickly switching their weapon, preparing to kill. Death was a better option than having to live in the lab any longer, but Hyunjin still had a life ahead of him. If he died, their plan would go down with him.

    He grabbed Hyunjin, his height making the grip awkward, but it was enough to keep him in place. He felt Hyunjin's nails scratch his forearm, a warm liquid trickling down his skin. All in one moment, he and Hyunjin were swiftly tranquilized.


    Hyunjin woke up in the same place he had earlier in the day, his head and shoulder throbbing painfully, machines beeping all around him. Unlike the first time he lost control, he could remember bits and pieces of what had happened. Changbin's terrified expression and the feeling of his blood on his fingers were ingrained into his mind.

    A doctor walked up to him, silently changing the bandages wrapped around his shoulder, tilting his head to the side so he couldn't see. A data table stood on the left side of his bed, everything written in a way he couldn't understand. All he understood was that he and 'The Kids' were part of some twisted case study. Moments later the door burst open, his roommates being forcefully shoved inside by guards.

    "Are you okay?!" Chan cried, staring at the bandage on his shoulder.

    "As fine as I can be," He replied, trying to smile but his face refused to cooperate.

    "Mr. Hwang," The doctor said, ignoring the fact that he might have been trying to talk to his roommates. "You don't mind if we took some blood, right? Actually, nevermind. We don't need your permission."

    So that explains why he felt so loopy. "He lost enough blood as it is! Are you trying to kill him?" Minho snapped, scratching at his arm like he was attempting to draw blood. Jisung grabbed his arm, preventing further disaster.

    "It doesn't matter if this one lives at this point," The doctor said calmly. "He served his purpose and we have you seven...maybe six, to work with."

    When they mentioned it, he noticed that Changbin was absent. He knew he hadn't hurt him badly, but his absence still sent him into a panic. "What did you do to Changbin?!"

    "Nothing. He's having a bit of a breakdown right now since some doctors got careless. I don't want to waste time with pointless talking. We have some information to discuss."

    They left the room, returning a moment later with someone dressed in full lab gear, looking like they wanted to be anywhere but with them. Hyunjin felt lightheaded, the mix of losing a lot of blood and being tranquilized made it hard for him to see and think clearly.

    "I think we've finally come to the conclusion of how you all ended up like this," The scientist began, their voice quiet. "A lab other than ours was manufacturing a drug that could bring someone who had just died back from death or the brink of death when nothing else would work. We found traces of that drug in your bloodstreams, though it seems to have had strange side effects."

    The seven of them appeared deep in thought, wondering when such a drug could have been used on them. Hyunjin remembered what his mom had told him in vivid detail. He had been in a car accident and died of his injuries. Paramedics with the drug on them at the time had used it as a last resort, saving his life but ruining it at the same time.

"For months now, we've been trying to find a cure for the side effects but of course at the time we didn't know they were side effects. Anyway, until then, we'll be transferring you to the other lab so alternate drugs can be tested."
The final statement was the final straw. They had been imprisoned and tested for so long
that continuing to do so might end up killing them. 

"Don't you dare," Hyunjin said through
clenched teeth. "You've mistreated them long
enough. This lab of yours needs to be burned to the ground. People like you deserve to rot in hell!"

    In a spur of the moment action, he ripped out the multiple needles sticking into his arms and pulled the bandage off his shoulder, staring at the blood that was crusted around his stitches. Seungmin had tried to stop him but it was too late.

    Only later would he realize how bad of a mistake he had made.

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