Hyunjin felt his world come crumbling down around him when he heard the news. After months of being exposed to different prototypes of drugs and brutal treatment, one finally had brought him down. The doctor and scientist ran out of the room, leaving Hyunjin alone with his thoughts, unable to see anything that was going on.

He frantically ripped the IV out of his arm as well as various other tubes and needles and attempted to run for the door. His legs were weak and refused to hold his weight, sending him face-first into the floor. Tears streamed down his face, wishing that he could at least see Felix one more time or that this was all just a sick nightmare. They had the means to bring him back. They could do so, right?

In the commotion, they had left the door to his room open. If he were feeling better, he would have made a run for it, but in his weakened state, all he could do was watch as people ran by, panic in their eyes. They didn't mind severely injuring them, but killing them wasn't necessarily what they had in mind. Not after they proved how useful they could be.

Hyunjin's breath caught in his throat as he saw a doctor wheeling a body covered in a white sheet down the hallway. This was real. Felix was really dead. He screamed, not caring who heard him, releasing his pent-up anger and grief. He felt as though a large part himself had died along with Felix.

He lay on the floor for what felt like hours, sobs from unbearable pain and grief racking his body until sleep welcomed him with open arms.


It had only been two days since Felix's death but it felt like years had gone by. Their living quarters had lost its source of optimism. Everyone went silent the day he died. Even Eunho was frightened by how quiet and zombie-like they had become.

"Are we done with testing yet?" Chan asked, his voice emotionless. "Or are you gonna try that drug on all of us until we're dead?"

Eunho was taken aback by the aggressive question but kept his composure. "No. We dropped the possibility of using that drug after the...unfortunate incident. We're going to use less invasive methods for research going forward."

"Why didn't you do that from the beginning?" Minho snapped, breaking his silent streak. "I could point out a whole list of unethical things you've done to us for the months that we've been trapped here. It won't be long before you all get arrested."

Eunho sighed, seeing the truth in Minho's words even if he didn't want to admit it. "No one knows that you're here which is why we've been able to fly under the radar for so long. They think we're working on developing life-saving drugs from scratch."

"And those 'life-saving drugs' already took a life and required Jeongin and I to be fatally injured to test," Hyunjin said, finally finding his voice. "Is our suffering worth it to create something that might not even work in the long run?"

Overwhelmed by all the accusing statements and questions, Eunho held up a hand to silence them. Even though Eunho was kind to them for the most part and showed genuine concern for their health, he was still an enemy.

"I've told you too much. I'm sincerely sorry for your loss, but I need to get going now." With that, he left, locking the door behind him.

Upon his departure, Jisung overturned a chair, raw hatred in his eyes. They had endured too much anger and sorrow in their lifetimes for one person to handle and taking it out in unhealthy ways was the only option they had.

The day dragged on slowly, the only thing that broke the deafening silence and occasional outbursts of anger were when a doctor would come in to check on them. Hyunjin had been part of 'The Kids' for a way shorter time than everyone else, but he felt that if he lived like this for much longer he might go insane.

"We can't be sad about this," He said suddenly, surprising even himself with those words. "Felix is in a better place now and is no longer suffering. Wanting him back would just be wanting him to suffer."
"You're right," Changbin said quietly.

Silence fell on them once again, broken minutes later by the screech of a fire alarm. Changbin and Chan looked at each other in surprise, this being part of their plan. Their path to freedom had just presented itself.

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