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For a moment, he considered turning and walking in the other direction, but that wouldn't guarantee that they wouldn't follow him. From shows and movies, he learned that people weren't apt to leave someone alone until they got what they wanted. That being said, Hyunjin hesitantly entered the alleyway.

    "So, Hwang," Who he assumed was the leader of the ground said, tossing a decent-sized rock up and down. "How come you get to use a computer, skip gym class for no reason, and become a teacher's pet on your first day? What makes you so special? Do you hurt yourself? We don't need people like you at our school."

    "I'm just trying to learn like all of you," Hyunjin cried, sounding more afraid than he would care to admit. He wished Hongjoong were there. "I can't use paper or go to gym because if I get cut it takes a long time to stop."

    "Oh, so you're afraid of spilling a little blood?" The leader asked, a malicious look in his eyes. "We don't mind helping you get past that phobia, right?"

    His friends seemed hesitant, most likely well aware of what he could do, before nodding. Hyunjin took off, but his route to freedom was short-lived. One of the leader's friends grabbed his backpack and pulled him back into the alley, pinning him against the wall. As he saw a box cutter get raised to his face, he realized that this was not the way he wanted to learn more about himself.

    "I'll just make a little cut," The leader said with a psychotic smile.

    "You heard what he said," One of his friends protested. "What if he dies of blood loss? I don't wanna go to jail..."

    "Shut it. He'll be fine."

    Hyunjin struggled against his attacker's grip, the box cutter so close to his face that he could almost already feel it piercing his skin. He didn't want to learn about his condition this way. If he were to have his choice, his mom would be telling him in the safety of his own home. He was terrified.

    "Stop moving or I might take your eye out!"

    The box cutter sliced his cheek, warm blood trickling down his face. Slowly, he lifted a trembling hand to the wound, his fingers stained a deep crimson.

    "See? You're not even bleeding that bad," The leader mocked. "Honestly, I thought you would start foaming at the mouth or something."

    Hyunjin suddenly felt like he couldn't get air into his lungs fast enough, the world around him spinning. The sounds of nearby traffic and his attacker's yelling disappeared, thrusting his world into complete silence. Complete silence if one didn't count the sound of his ragged breathing. The fear he had felt just moments before had vanished, leaving him with nothing but raw rage.

    "Why is he breathing like that?" One of the leader's friends asked. "Maybe the blood made him excited."

    "Oi! Cut it out!" The leader shouted. The moment he grabbed Hyunjin by the neck was when things went south.


    Hongjoong checked his phone, seeing a text from Hyunjin. He was happy that they had become friends so quickly and was excited to introduce him to the rest of his friends tomorrow. For being exposed to school for the first time after being homeschooled for years, the other students had treated him less than kindly.

    Opening the text, he saw nothing more than Hyunjin's location and a hastily written message saying, 'SOS.' At the nearest bus stop, he sprinted off hoping he could make it in time. According to the message, he was only a block away.

    His lungs felt like they were on fire, but he kept running. He knew what some students were capable of and didn't want Hyunjin to have to experience it first hand. To him, Hyunjin seemed defenseless. Who knows what they could have done to him by now?

    Turning down the alleyway that the message said he was in, he was met with the shock of his life. Four kids lay in pools of blood on the ground, their skin ghostly pale. From the unnatural color of their skin, the multiple stab wounds covering their bodies, and the blood, he quickly came to the conclusion that they were dead.

    In the middle of it all, Hyunjin stood over them, his stance animalistic and unhinged. Hongjoong ducked into the building next door, his fingers trembling as he called the police. He had arrived too late. Not too late to save Hyunjin from the others, but to save him from himself.   

    Where had the sweet Hyunjin from earlier in the day gone? He didn't want to do this to his new friend, but circumstances left him no other choice.

   Hwang Hyunjin, who are you?

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