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Bright fluorescent lights sting his eyes as he woke up in an unfamiliar environment. He was laying on what he assumed was a hospital bed, the room blinding white. The last thing he remembered was an excruciating pain tearing through his body and waking up briefly in the back of a car. Wherever he was, he knew he was far away from home.

    Whoever brought him here didn't bother tying him to the bed on assumption that he would be in too much pain to try and escape, which was correct. His whole body throbbed painfully and it hurt to do something as simple as lift a finger. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a man in a white lab coat approach him, clipboard in hand.

    "My name is Cho Eunho," The man said in an almost bored tone. "We'll be seeing a lot of each other. I just need you to answer a few questions for me and then I'll bring you to your room."

    Hyunjin jerked upright, white hot pain forcing him back down again. "Why should I answer you? I don't know where I am or why I'm here!"

    Eunho pointed to his belt which was partially concealing a taser. "I'll resort to less than pleasant methods to get answers out of you if I must. I much prefer being nice so I recommend you answer me honestly. You're Hwang Hyunjin and you went to Yellow Wood High School, correct?"

    "That's right," Hyunjin replied, his voice raspy.

    "Interesting," Eunho said absentmindedly. "See, that wasn't so hard. I'll transfer you to your room now. I'm sure you'll find out where you are soon enough."

    Eunho slowly lifted Hyunjin out of bed, lowering him into a wheelchair with the intent of causing him as little pain as possible. He was led through endless, white hallways, all the white beginning to burn his eyes. A few people in darker outfits milled around, dragging people in what looked like blue prison uniforms behind them.

    They passed a lab, the glass so heavily tinted that he could barely see inside. Scientists in white lab coats almost identical to Eunho's worked inside, placing some kind of liquid on a small glass square. He caught a glimpse of blue inside, but he moved by too quickly to register what it was.

    He was led down another hallway which led to an open room full of cells, but instead of bars, they were kept inside by bulletproof glass. Eunho took him to the far end of the room into a private marked-off area. A large sign was placed on the door reading 'The Kids room. Authorized Personnel Only.'

    Eunho entered a code into the keypad on the door which unlocked with a small click. The door opened up to a large, dark gray room that looked a bit more homey than the small, white cells outside. If he didn't know better, he would have assumed it was in a very gloomy-looking house.

    "You should be able to walk again in a few minutes," Eunho stated, securing a nametag to the front of his blue uniform. "You'll be able to feel it. Once the pain goes away, you'll meet your roommates. I suggest you get along because you'll be dealing with them for a long time."

    "Wait! Don't leave me here!" Hyunjin cried, but his cries fell on deaf ears.

    "'The Kids' are friendly. There's nothing for you to worry about," Eunho said calmly, patting Hyunjin gently on the shoulder before leaving the room and locking the door behind him.

    Hyunjin's eyes nervously darted around the room, taking in what he assumed was going to be his new home for the foreseeable future. The white couch seemed to be made of scratchy material like the other chairs in the room. Much like his home, everything was injury-proofed and there were no sharp objects in sight.

    Abruptly, it felt like his pain receptors had been turned off, the agony he was in disappearing instantly. He slid out of the wheelchair, pushing it to the side and flattening himself against the wall. He didn't want to meet his roommates. He assumed they were freaks of some kind if they were here, but that made him one too, didn't it?

    His roommates seemed just as hesitant to meet him as he was with them. They stood back, studying him with reserved yet curious expressions. He squinted to read their name tags, hoping none of them would try to kill him. Maybe they were just normal people who had been caught in an unfortunate situation just like him.

    "Welcome to the illegal version of Area 51," A purple-haired boy with the name Felix said.

    "Oh shut it," Jisung, a cute boy with chubby cheeks said. "Welcome him properly."

    "Sorry, but we can't sugar coat anything," Chan, who he assumed was the oldest, said. "This isn't the kind of place you can be welcomed to. However, as long as you're in this room I promise that you'll be safe and cared for."

    He scanned his seven roommates, taken aback by the horrible condition they were in. All of them seemed worse for the wear, bandages placed haphazardly on their faces, clothing sticking to their bony arms. Chan and Jeongin were by far the worst out of all of them. Chan swayed dangerously on his feet like he had been drugged, his uniform baggy on his extremely skinny frame hinting that he had lost a lot of weight in a short period of time.
Jeongin had bandages covering every inch of his arms and neck, his skin pale and sickly.

    "Why am I here?" Hyunjin demanded, tears beginning to slide down his face. "My life was just starting to become normal again."

    "Don't cry," Changbin comforted. "We promise you won't have to live like this for long."

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