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"Have any of you killed someone?" Hyunjin asked abruptly, the image of the scientist laying dead on the floor refusing to leave him alone. "Or is it just me?"
"All of us have," Seungmin said quietly. 'That's why we're here."

"Changbin got lucky," Minho said, his eyes wide. "I'm surprised he didn't get life in prison for the amount of people he got. Not that the alternative is much better. He lost control at a concert of all places."

Minho realized a bit too late that he should have kept his mouth shut. If looks could kill, Minho would be six feet under. A heavy silence fell over them before Changbin decided to direct the conversation away from such a dark topic.

"You know what?" He began, a mischievous smile forming on his face. "If they're gonna put us through hell, we might as well take them with us."


After what felt like an eternity, the plane landed. The delay between the flight landing and the cargo hold opening was non-existent. Almost immediately, the cable ties were cut away from Hyunjin's wrists and ankles once he was being manhandled by the guards with no way to escape. The guards stood on either side of him, blocking his view so that he couldn't see anyone else or what they were doing.

They were escorted inside the laboratory which already seemed much worse than the one they were previously in. The walls were painted vibrant, neon colors which when it came to this situation always meant trouble. Unlike the other laboratory, this one had no other people in Walmart prison suits milling around. They were the only test subjects.

"The budget isn't split between multiple case studies here, so you may actually get to have a decent meal," Eunho said from behind him, his voice indifferent. "Right now, their only priority is you. Interpret that how you will."

They were led down a bright orange hall to a metal door. When the door opened, they were greeted by a real-life version of a horror movie basement. The floors were cracked concrete and they couldn't walk anywhere without getting cobwebs in their face. A musty smell filled the air from all the dust and grime covering every surface. They hadn't done much to prepare for them.

"Did you run out of paint when you got to this room or what?" Minho asked in a monotone. "This place could really use some yellow."

A withering glare from a guard was all it took to shut him up. Their living quarters were much more cramped than their previous one and had obviously been rarely used. As Eunho had mentioned earlier, for years this laboratory's only priority was studying 'The Kids.'

Moments later, Jeongin and Chan were escorted into the room by two doctors. Upon seeing them, their tired expressions quickly changed into ones of pure joy. Maybe they had been thinking the same thing that Hyunjin and the others had. What if they hadn't survived the flight?

"Your first day here will be a day to adjust to your new surroundings," Eunho said once the guards had left. "After that is when your testing will begin. Dr. Choi and Dr. Son will be taking care of Chan and Jeongin for the time being. They have the authority to administer punishment as severe as they see fit when needed."

Hyunjin's eyes drifted over to the doctors. They didn't look particularly mean, but they also didn't look like they would hesitate to dish out cruel punishment. With them around, planning an escape was nearly impossible.

"I'll be dealing with most of your tests so you're working with someone familiar," Eunho said before concluding the monologue and exiting the room.

"I'm so glad you're both okay!" Felix cried, pulling Chan and Jeongin into a tight embrace. The others gathered around them, conscious about giving them space.

"Are you all okay though? I heard you had to ride in the cargo hold," Chan said with a shiver. His eyes held a barely suppressed rage that Hyunjin hoped would stay hidden.

Abruptly, the doctors wordlessly took their patients and pulled them away to a room separate from the others. Jisung attempted to go after them, only to be shocked with a stun gun. He screamed before falling to the ground where he convulsed for a moment before going still. His chest heaving up and down was their only indication that he was alive.

Their fury at the action was tangible, but they couldn't do anything about it or risk getting shocked themselves. The doctors hadn't stopped to watch Jisung twitch on the floor, but instead kept walking as though nothing had happened.

Within moments, Jisung was shakily rising to his feet with the help of Changbin and Minho. His eyes were slightly unfocused, but other than that it didn't look like the stun gun had caused him any injury.

"Let's get him to his room so he can lay down. We'll get our revenge soon enough," Hyunjin proposed, the others nodding their approval. A war had begun.


Jisung was safely placed on a dusty cot, feeling well enough to complain loudly about how much pain he was in. Their relief was short-lived when they heard a commotion from the living room.

"Jeongin! Get back here!" One of the doctors yelled.

There was a moment's pause before a gunshot tore through the room, followed by a blood curdling scream before the world went silent once more.

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