Getting To Know Each Other

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Gerard’s POV

“Awwww she’s blushing!! You made her blush Gee! Love birds!” I gave him a death glare and then softened my face when I turned to face her.

“Thanks. Did you like the song? We just finished writing it and composing the music for it last weekend.” I could feel my face getting red.

“Like it? Pffftt! I loved it!” She hugged me once more and we both blushed. Nobody said anything this time.

Frank was throwing puff balls at Bob’s mouth.. well attempting to. Mikey and Audree were inside I think. Ray and Julianna were sitting on the couch looking into each other’s eyes just talking.

“Do you want anything to drink or eat?” I asked her.

“Umm just some water would be nice.” She said and I led her inside the kitchen where my mom was still making dinner. “Mmm smells good Donna.” She giggled as my mom looked up startled. Her giggle was so adorable.

“Oh! Scared me there for a second! But yes it does, I’m making spaghetti & veggie meatballs. I also ordered pizza since I know they get after having dinner.” My mom laughed and continued to make dinner. I showed Briella around my house and showed her my room last.

“Well this is my room.” We walked down the stairs. “Sorry if it’s a little messy!” I awkwardly stood at my doorway as she looked around.

"You draw?" She asked as she picked up one of the comic books that I was working on.

“Yeah, I do. It’s a way of an escape for me. ” I could feel my face getting red.

“That’s pretty neat!” She picked up the portrait of my parents when they were younger. “Are these your parents?” I nodded proudly. “They look so good!” She smiled at me as she put them down.

“Wanna listen to some music?” I went over to my music and began roaming through my collection.

“Sure! What kind ya got? Ohh do you have KISS?” She likes KISS.. hmm.

“Of course!” I put in their album and we just jammed to their songs. “You didn’t seem like the type of girl that would listen to them." I laughed as she stuck her tongue out at me.

“Pshh I may look somewhat ‘girly’ on the outside but I am rock ‘n’ roll on the inside. Name an artist, I betcha I listen to them!” She laid her head on my lap which made me blush like crazy.

“Ok.. let me see.. Panic At The Disco?"

She nodded. “Yupp!”


“Yupp!” Brie smiled up at me.

"Oh what about Fall Out Boy?”

She sat up and jumped up. "Gosh yes! I love them!" She giggled as she sat back down making me smile.

"Okay one more.. Papa Roach?"

Her eyes lit up at the mention of them. "Pffft yes omg I effing love them even more!” She giggled.

Her giggle was so adorable! I named a few other bands and to my surprise she knew them all. Could she be even more perfect? Yes she could.

“I could what?” She looked at me confused. “I could what Gee?” Shit did I just say that out loud?

She laughed. “Yeah you kind did.”

“Shit sorry.” I chuckled. “I meant could you be even more awesome!” We laughed and just played 21 questions (well it was more than that) until Mikey came down to my room.

“Hey sorry to interrupt but dinner is in 15 minutes Gee!” He looked over to Briella. “Are you staying over for dinner?”

“Oh no. I gotta go home. My mom is picky on us missing dinner.” She laughed as she got up. “Guess I’d better get going. This was fun! We should do it again.” She smiled, kissed my check and ran upstairs before I had the chance to react.

Briella’s POV
“Brie can we stay for dinner pleaseeee!?” Audree hung on my arm.

“Mm you can. I’m gonna go home.” I didn’t want to but my mom had sent me a text saying to get home asap.. something she never does or says.

“Ok thanks!” She hugged me as she ran off to find Mikey.

“Hey do you need a ride home girly?” Julianna stood next to me putting her jacket on.

“Yeah I’d appreciate that!” I smiled at her. We said bye to the guys and Donna.

I felt my insides going crazy after I had kissed Gerard on the cheek before running out of his room. It felt so right.

Once I got home I saw my mom’s car outside.. Hmm well that’s weird she usually parks it in the garage. Before I had the chance to get my house key out the door opened and I was dragged into the living room and thrown on the floor before I even had the chance to react or even fight back. Next thing I know is that I was gasping for air.

Okay so it's almost midnight so sorry if this one isn't as good. I'm tired as heck but I will update the next part tomorrow maybe! :P Thanks for reading!




Xoxo, Ash (:

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