Better Days

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Almost a week has gone by since I've been here and honestly I'm beyond ready to go home. "Is she awake yet??" I heard a few voices but couldn't make them out. I kept my eyes closed just so I could hear what else they were saying.

"Wake her upppp!" Another voice almost shouted.

"You guys shut up! She's sleeping." I knew that voice.. it was Audree.

"Buttttt we want to see her awake!!" One of them whined like a little kid, my guess was that it was Frank.

"Shut it Frank! She'll wake up when she wants." Aha so Mr. Whiny pants was Frank.

I heard a hmmp. "You know you want her to wake up too Gerard!" Frank giggled. I decided to peak a little but closed my eye real quick before they saw but I guess they caught me.

"She's awake!! Brie I saw you open your eye now open them!!" Great, couldn't I just enjoy them talking without being actually awake? Nope guess not!

I eventually opened my eyes and had to adjust to the light. My guess was that it was daylight. I looked up and saw Bob right in front of me. "See I told you guys she was awake!" I couldn't help but laugh a little. "What's so funny? He eyed me confused.

"All of you. Seriously Frankie you couldn't wait for me to wake up without you screaming so damn loud?" I laughed again as his face turned red. "It's ok though. I'm glad you guys are here." I looked at each one, Ray, Bob, Audree, Mikey, Frank, and last but definitely not least, Gerard. I swear each time I looked at him my heart skipped a beat. I felt myself blushing so I turned away.

"How are you feeling Brie?" He came closer to me and grabbed my hand making butterflies flip like crazy inside my stomach.

"I've had better days Gee." I smiled at him and he returned the smile. Only to look away. I swear I could have seen him blushing. "Where's Andy??" I suddenly look at Audree who was having a conversation with Mikey. I'm glad she has him.

"He went to go see mom." She turned to look at me smiling. "How's your..?" She made a hand gesture to where I had my stitches.

To be honest I forgot I had them. "Better I guess. Still hurts but better now. When can I leave? I hate hospitals!" I pouted causing them all to laugh. "GUYS!" They stopped laughing "I'm serious!" I pouted again and once again the laughed.

"Oh Brie you are so weird honestly" Andy came in just as I was about to protest to Ray's comment.

"Hey sis how are you feeling?" He gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Better. When can I go home??" I was going to go crazy if I was left here for one more day. No one will ever understand how much I hated hospitals.

Andy looked at Audree with an unreadable expression. "Umm well about that Briella..." Oh no please don't say I gotta stay longer. I was about to cry when he bursted out laughing. Did I miss something? "Oh the look on your face was priceless."

I slapped his arm. "Not funny Andrew Dennis Biersack!" He rubbed his arm and laughed.

"You can come home today as long as you're better and can walk without any problems." Great! I sure hope I could or I'd seriously cry.

"Okay go get the doctor and get me out of here!" I took off the blankets and sure enough it still hurt somewhat but I didn't complain or else I'd be stuck here longer. I sat with my feet dangling letting the blood flow back down to them as I held on the the rail with one hand and holding someone's with the other.

I looked up to see Gerard holding my hand. I could feel my face turn a bright red. Curse my almost pale complexion. I gave him a smile that he returned without any hesitation.

"Ready to stand up?" He held his other hand out for me as he stood up. I nodded and turned my head to the other guys as I stood up.

"Uhh Frank what the fuck are you doing?" He was making out with the air? Weird if you ask me but then again it is Frank.

"Making out with the air what else duh!" He giggled and sat on Mikey who made a gasping air sound. He turned and smiled big showing off his teeth.

"Sure you were Frankie poodle!" I laughed at his face when I called him that.

"Frankie poodle?" He cocked an eyebrow. "Huh I like it!" He giggled again jumping up and down.

"Arg Frank get off me!" Mikey pushed him off making him fall to the floor. I bursted out laughing as Andy and the doctor came in with confused faces.

"Frank fell" I told them and they nodded. "Can I go home now?" I stood up grabbing Gerard with one hand now.

"Depends if you can walk by yourself without any help" I nodded and let go of Gerard's hand and made a few steps forward.

"Well okay then. Just as soon as your brother signs the papers you can go home." The doctor smiled at me and walked out with Andy behind him.

Thank God I was going home today. No more crappy hospital food and tv channels. I can finally sleep in my own comfy bed.. wait what about my mom??

"Audree how's mom??" I turned to face her as she was laughing at what Mikey said I guess.

She didn't stop smiling. "Oh right! Mom woke up this morning but since you were still sleeping I didn't get to tell you. She's doing good and is back to normal. She just has to stay here for a couple of days." I was so happy I almost ran out of the room if it wasn't for Gerard who grabbed my hand again which made me once again blush like crazy.

I couldn't help but think.. I was falling for Gerard and I was falling fast and hard.

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