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"Bitch!! You thought you could hide from me!!!" I couldn't make out who it was. All I could think about was trying to break free but the more I struggled the more the grip around my neck tightened "You will never be able to run away from you you whore! You are mine and will always be mine!!" If I can't have you then no one can!" That's when I finally knew who was talking.

I choked out the word before he was pulled off of me. I could hear yelling in the back. I tried catching my breath when I felt someone kneeling next to me. I saw it was Darren's friend, Luke.

Darren.. Dad.. I started freaking out as I saw where they were.. Darren was beating the hell out of my dad.. What the hell just happened here?

My mom.. I ran upstairs. She wasn't in her room. I ran to Audree's room and then mine.. She wasn't in either. I ran to the bathroom and saw her passed out on the floor. "Oh fuck! Mom! Mom please wake up!!" I shook her trying to get her to wakeup. "Mom please say something! Darren! Someone help!" I tried to lift her up.. that's when I saw all the blood underneath her and began screaming. "HELP!!!" Darren ran upstairs and called 911 as I just closed my eyes.

"She's going to be ok Briella. The paramedics are on their way." He hugged me while we waited.

"Where-- where is he?" I looked at him wiping away my tears.

"Briella I don't think-" But I interrupted him before he was able to finish.


"Downstairs with Luke" He looked down at my mom as I ran downstairs to see my dad smiling wickedly at me

"You bastard!! You could have almost killed her!!" I punched him in the face. He was tied up on a chair. Luke tried to stop me. "Don't touch me Luke!" He let go of me.

"Briella the police and paramedics are here." I nodded as Luke showed the paramedics where my mom was at and a cop followed them.

"If I can't have you guys then no one can. You belong to me! No one else! I will see you again Briella!" Just then his hands became free and he punched me right in the face as I felt a sharp pain around my stomach. Last thing I saw was him running off, then everything went pitch black.

Audree's POV
Dinner was so much fun! Donna can really cook vwggie meatballs! It was so nice of her to make them veggie for Frank.

"We should practice one more time you guys." Gerard stood up mak8ng the guys groan and throw bread at him. "Hey! Not nice!" He laughed as he threw some at all of us.

"Boys you are going to clean up if you keep throwing bread in my kitchen!" Donna shouted as she washed the dishes. Just then my phone rang.

Incoming call from Darren. Not strange to me simply cause he calls me to ask where I usually am if I don't send them a text. Guess Briella didn't tell them.. Great!

Me: "Whaddup Darr--"
Darren: "Where are you!?" He sounded strange. He never yells.
Me: "I'm at Mikey's. Why? What's going on?" Everybody got quiet & just looked at me.
Darren: "Don't leave nor go outside Audree! Stay inside! I'm at the hospital."
Me: I started to panic. "Whaa-- why-- what happened Darren!!" I screamed on the phone.
Darren: "Your-- your mom and sister are in the hospital Audree." He started crying as I heard shuffling in the background. "Audree this is Luke."
Me: "Luke? Luke what happened?!! What hospital are you guys at?? I'm heading there now!" The guys gave me concerned looks and mouthed what happened.
Luke: "No! No Audree stay where you are.. for your own safety! Please just do as we say."
Me: "My own safety?" I barely choked out. "My own safety!? Luke! My mom and sister are in the hospital and you guys want me to stay put! Hell no! What hospital are you guys at! This is my family we're talking about here! Don't you dare tell me to stay calm! Either to tell me or I will call every single hospital until I find them!" He gave up and told me what hospital they were at. He wouldn't tell me what the reason was.. but that didn't matter at them moment.

Tears were rolling down my face as Mikey hugged me. "What happened Audree?" I looked up at them. I couldn't speak "What hospital are they at?" I told them and we all went in Ray's car.

Donna stayed home since Don came home from work. I suddenly remembered about my brother Andy. I dialed his number as we rode in silence to the hospital. It rang 3 times before he answered.

"Hello?" He sounded sleepy. "Audree why are you calling me at this hour?" It was only 8:45 here.. but he lives in California so it must be 3 am over there. "Audree are you going to talk? I'm hanging up." I started crying. "Audree what's wrong?!"

"Andy mom.. mom and Briella are in the hospital!" I cried harder as Mikey tried to comfort me. "I don't know details. I just know it's bad.. Darren was crying so much. Andy please come home!" I cried as he tried to calm me down over the phone.

"Ok ok baby sis I'll be there in the morning! I promise! Keep me updated! I'm going to try to get the earliest flight!" He hung up. We finally got to the hospital and I ran inside.

"Romina and Briella Biersack please! What room are they in!?" The lady told me to calm down and looked up their names.

"They're in surgery right now. 5th floor." I thanked her and ran to the elevator. The guys ran after told me, apologizing to the lady for running.

I spotted Luke and Darren "Darren! What happened!?" I cried as he looked up with his eyes all red and puffy.

"Oh Audree! Your dad came back" My dad..

"Where is he Darren? Does he know?? He must be worried to dea--" He stopped me.

"No Audree listen to me.. your dad was the cause of this. He did this to your mom and to your sister." I didn't believe him.

"No Darren.. you're lying! Why would he do this? He loved us! No you're lying to me! Why are you lying!!?" A nurse came and told me to keep it down or she was going to have to ask me to leave.

"Audree he's not lying." Luke stepped in just then the doctor came.

"Family of Romina Biersack and Briella Biersack?" He asked

"That's us!" Darren stood up.

I know I haven't updated in a while. I just have not been in the mood. Hope you guys liked it! though

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Xo, Ash (:

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