What Just Happened?

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Brie's POV

I woke up around 4 am. I turned to see if Gerard was here. His side of the bed was empty. I laid back down and a few tears escaped. I just went back to sleep

I heard a door being opened and closed. I looked at the clock to see that it was 9 in the morning. I groaned and got up. I didn't bother to change last night. I went downstairs and met up with Audree and Mikey

"hey guys" I tried smiling but my face hurt from crying

They both exchanged looks "Hey sis" Audree gave me a hug and I almost cried again

"Brie go get ready we're taking you out for breakfast. Is Gerard up?" Mikey sat down on the couch and I told him no

"He isn't here.. he didn't come home again Mikey" I felt tears slip my eyes

"He probably went over to Frank's or Ray's. They stayed a little bit when I left the studio last night" Mikey hugged me and I nodded. Maybe

We went out to Denny's and then to their house. Around noon there was a knock at their door. Audree opened it and walked back to the kitchen. I saw Gerard walking in and he stared at me before walking away

I went after him "Where were you last night?!" I pulled his arm and made him face me

He look mad for some reason "I was at Ray's. Happy?" He snapped and turned his head away.. that's when I saw marks on his neck

Oh God please don't be what I'm thinking.. "Gerard what the hell are those!?" I was the one that snapped at him this time and he turned his back back at me

"I don't know what you're talking about" He scoffed and tried walking away but I pushed him hard against the wall

"Those are hickies! What the fuck Gerard!" I was yelling now. I felt so angry and so hurt right now but my anger was taking over

"Yeah? So what!?" He glared at me.. my heart sank

"So what?" I barely whispered 'Gerard are you cheating on me..?" My voice was faint but clear enough so he heard me

I felt eyes at the back of my head. Gerard finally looked at me "Yes. I'm sorry Briella but it's over. I don't love you anymore" He said and walked out the door leaving me hanging and broken

What the hell just happened? Gerard dumped me.. I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in. I heard banging on the door but I  just cried and cried

"Briella please open the door!" Audree shouted from the other side but I stayed put. I heard a pair of keys dangling and then the door flew open "Brie!" Audree pulled me in a hug and I lost it. I broke down

"What did I do wrong Audree? I cried into her shoulder harder

"He's an idiot sis. A complete fucking asshole!" She tried to calm me down but I was devastated. I just lost the man of my dreams

"Brie.." I saw Mikey standing there at the doorway looking upset "There's something I have to tell you.." He looked up at me and I saw sorrow in his eyes. I waited for him to go on "Gerard.. he's been cheating on you for months now.." Am I hearing him correctly?

"And you knew this whole time!" Audree snapped at him which caused him to jump "Why the hell didn't you say anything?! With who!!?"

Mikey looked scared as Audree yelled at him 'He wouldn't let me say anything.. her name is Lyn-Z" I knew who she was

"From MSI?" I whispered and he nodded.. of course he'd go after her. She was gorgeous and in a band, they could tour together and be together.. I couldn't go on tour with them all the time

I got up and left without saying anything. I went back to our place and made a call. It rang 3 times before she answered "Stacy" My voice was shaky

'What's wrong??" I missed her, she moved to Cali like we had planned but I stayed to be with Gerard. How stupid of me!

"I know this is out of question but can I move with you?" I made up my mind. I was moving

She screamed "Of course! When will you be here by??" She was happy. I could tell

"Tomorrow" She agreed to meet me at the airport once I got there and we hung up

I pulled out my suitcases from under the bed and I began packing my things. I saw that his stuff was still there. I cried and I continued to pack. I heard the door open and footsteps getting closer to the bedroom door

"Briella?" Gerard spoke softly but I didn't stop packing. If anything I packed faster until I felt his arms wrap around me

I froze "Don't touch me" I said each word harshly but he didn't remove his arms from me so I took them off myself

He sighed "Briella please talk to me" He followed me to my side of the drawer "Stop Briella please!" He grabbed my shoulders and turned me around

I stared at the floor until he grabbed my face and made me look at him. I put my hands on his and tried removing them but I couldn't. He crashed his lips on mine and I shoved him away

His face was shocked and hurt "I said don't fucking touch me!" I snapped and got my clothes. I threw them in my luggage and grabbed my duffel bag and went into the bathroom to get my tooth brush, hair products and make up

Gerard followed me like a lost puppy and began to cry "Briella please I'm so sorry! Please don't leave me!" He fell to the ground as I got to the front door

I scoffed at his apology "Sorry? Your sorry doesn't mean anything Gerard.. Go be with that whore Lyn-z!" His face went blank then angry

"She's not a whore!" He snapped at me and stood up "She's amazing Briella! I love her so don't call her a whore!" That hurt a lot. I turned around to open the door "Wait Briella.. please don't leave me" Is he serious right now?

I turned around and looked him dead in the eyes "Why? You don't love me. Go with her and leave me alone" I turned around again and opened the door

"I didn't mean it Briella.. I still love you! You're everything to me please!" I heard his voice break but I had made up my mind. I was leaving and I wasn't coming back

"Goodbye Gerard" I walked out and closed the door behind me getting in my car and driving off to say goodbye to Audree and my parents. I explained everything to my mom and she cried and begged me to stay but I said no. Audree did too

I had already bought my ticket over the phone. I stayed the night at my mom's and in the morning she and Darren were going to drive me to the airport

Audree stayed the night. I made her promise to not tell the guys that I was leaving. They knew about Gerard's affair and I honestly didn't want to talk to them either "Are you sure about this?" Her eyes were red and puffy from crying

I hated seeing her cry but I couldn't stay here "Yes" I cried "There's something I gotta tell you Audree" She went silent "I'm pregnant. I'm 7 weeks along" I whispered half hoping she didn't hear me

She was speechless then hugged me and cried "Please stay Briella!" I shook my head no

I was leaving tomorrow and that was that. I was going to leave New Jersey and I wasn't planning on coming back. Ever. 

Almost to the end guys!! 

I Love you all for reading my story! 

Xo, Ash (:

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