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I swear those were the longest 9 hours ever! I was exhausted, and not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. I felt so empty moving here.

It was about 6:30 in the morning probably. The house was pretty from the outside but I missed my old house.. the house that I grew up in.. where I shared memories with my friends and family.

“Go on girls go explore the house, claim your rooms.” My mom shouted with joy as she hugged my new stepfather. Ugh I was not having it. I claimed my room though. The biggest one of them all, either I got the room with the bathroom or I got the walk-in closet. I chose the closet cause I was going to drown away my sadness with new clothes.

"Mom, Audree and I are going to explore this town. See you at dinner.” We both left before she could say anything. A few hours later and we were lost. “Audree do you know where we are? I lost track.” I asked her knowing she would keep track since she knows I lose track when I’m mentally absent.

"Umm I actually didn’t keep track this time. I was observing everything around us.” Great we are lost. Oh well.

“Let’s ask for directions to the mall.” We asked and we were helped by an old couple who seem to be deeply in love. Well we finally got to the mall. It wasn’t as big as I thought it was going to be but it wasn’t tiny either. “Aha! Audree look! Hot Topic! Let’s go!” We bought some new shirts and belts and accessories. We shopped everywhere that we liked. Darren picked us up since it was late and we had no idea how to get home.

“Did you girls have fun at the mall?” He looked at us through the rearview mirror. We both replied with a simple yes. “Look girls I know it’s a big change moving here from North Carolina but I promise you both that you will learn to love it here. As for forming a bonding relationship with me, let’s just try to make an effort for your mom. I really do love her. I won’t force you both to like me, but I hope we can get along.” He sounded sincere but I was still hurting.

"Darren just give it time. Be patient with us. We just need time to adjust and get comfortable.” Audree took the words right out of my mouth. I agreed with her. Darren just smiled and said okay.

Summer went by fast. We had one more week left until we started at our new school, Belleville High. By this time I had memorized this town. I was walking our new dog, Sparky at the park. It was a little windy but still nice. I sat down and let Sparky go do his business. I took a minute or 2 to breathe when I heard Sparky bark.. I looked up to see where he was when I saw a complete stranger petting him “Sparky!” The stranger looked up.. boy was he cute. I could feel my cheeks blushing and all he did was look at me curiously but he then walked away.

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