Chapter 12 - With a shiver

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"If we wait he should go away, right?" I continued. Harry smiled at the floor.

"I'm not the one who needs to worry."

I heard a shower jet nearby turn on and both me and Harry held our breaths at the same time. After a few minutes the noise died out, and an additional couple of minutes the locker room was quiet as an isolated prison cell. Except for our own shower jet.

"Do you think he's gone?" I peaked out behind the curtain, and couldn't see a single life form in sight.

"You look like a drowned cat." Harry stated and scanned me from head to toe.

"Thanks I didn't notice." I rolled my eyes.

The drops of water fell from the ends of my hair, my shirt were glued to my skin and showed off my bra more than I wanted to. My jeans felt like snake skin, so tight were they. I had been in such a rush when the man came I had jumped straight into the shower full on dressed. Bad move.

"For a girl in need." Harry handed me his sweater and bowed with elegance.

"I feel like we're in a Medeival movie."

"The shower incident made me think of Bonnie and Clyde for a moment. We'd make great partners in crime."

"That has nothing to do with the Medeivals, you lost the plot." I laughed and pulled the sweater over my head and my soaking wet clothes. Harry shrugged his shoulders and put on a t-shirt which was all he had left after I borrowed his sweater.

We decided it was time to get to our lodge, which we hadn't even have time to see yet. Harry had mentioned they kept a special lift open to take the guests who was living at the top. We passed the receptionist we had spoken to earlier and she gave us a strange look when we walked out from the same locker room, one of us wet as a tsunami tide.

When we stepped out through the entrance of the hotel the cold hit me like a train at full speed. It bit my skin through the wet clothes and embraced every body part it could find. I shuddered and wrapped my arms around myself in a silly attempt to heat up.

"Christ, your lips are the same shade as bruised skin." Harry whispered and pulled my jacket a bit tighter around my neck.

"I'ts, I-I-" I stuttered and stared at Harry. I was chocked by my inability to form words. Harry hushed at me, and I took his advice not to talk.

Fifteen minutes later I raced him to the lodge and I was the first of us to fall through the door to faceplant the floor in the hall. Harry tripped over me and landed on the empty space infront of me. I pressed my cheeks to the room tempered wooden floor.

"This-" I breathed out heavily as I still panted from the run, "could be paradise."

"You don't know what's your paradise until you've looked everywhere." Harry philosohisized and got up on his feet. I remained on the floor, taking in his words.

"Have you found yours?" I wondered. My forehead wrinkled when I tried to look up at him without lifting my head.

"No, not yet I think." He replied and fell onto the bed, spreading his full body mass over the white chequred sheets.

"I don't think you can ever know."

I finally pushed myself of the floor, still shivering from cold. I had realized lying on the floor only warmed me up until a certain temperature that wasn't enough. Heat travelled upwards so it was pretty logical. I lied down next to Harry instead, body heat was one thing I knew worked.

"Oh hey." Harry laughed when I crawled in under his jacket which he still hadn't taken off, and cuddled up with him.

"You'll have to function as a radiator for a minute."

Harry laughed again and I felt his chest move from the chuckles.

"We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow, we should get some sleep. If you don't wanna collapse in the slope."

"I'd rather not."

Neither us of had the energy to do anything else than remove our outerwear before we got under the duvets. I fell asleep with a pair of curls tickeling my face.

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