Chapter 19 - Real life 2.0

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"Um no I- Harry- Can come-" I stuttered incomprehensible and pointed with my finger in front of me.

"You look like you've seen the Incredible Hulk." Harry laughed and walked up to me with his back to the door.

"And turn around.." I forced myself to get out, still with no chance at taking my eyes of the opening. Or what had been an opening. Harry spun 180 degrees.

"Jesus!" He exclamied and backed into me. I grabbed him by the arms before he fell backwards and squeezed hard in fright. My nail dug into his skin but Harry was too shocked to feel it.

"How what when why-" He rabbled. "Ouch, Ash it hurts."

I didn't hear him. I held on to whatever kept me sane. I didn't understand the gravity of our situation.

"Ash!" Harry yelled and tore himself out of my grip. "You look all jittery."

My eyes couldn't move from the white compact surface and my hands were still grabbing Harry's imaginary arms. They were in reality just grasping thin air. But in my head it felt like Harry's arms. I was clutching to the soft fabric with my fringers and feeling the warmth.  I was losing it. Something forced me to lower my stiff arms.

"Aisha. Look at me." Someone tilted my chin up. My eyes desperatly trying to remain on the snow wall had to change focal point. Suddenly I found myself looking up into a familiar green gaze.

"Breathe with me." He inhaled richly and I followed without thinking. When he let go of his deep inhalation I felt his warm breathe lightly hit my face. It woke me up from my slumber.

"What now?" I felt around in with my hand in front of me seeking for his in incertitude. A comforting couple of fingers intertwined with mine and I looked down and saw my finger lay every other with his. They formed a calming pattern that made me feel safe. Well, safer.

"First of all, what happened?" Harry dragged me along to a window to investigate. Unfornutaly the view from the window was just as white as the door's.  We ran to every window in the cabin but they all showed the same annoying scenery. White was my favorite color but I could slowly feel it swtiching to something less terrifying, like a shade of peach or turquoise.

Black is normally the color you link with death. I've never been a big fan of fashion catalouges preaching about how every colour of the rainbow being the new black. Today, white was the new black.

"All I see is snow! Snow snow snow snow-" I prattled with no stopping. I rambled around the room in circles wiht my head in my hands. My walk was interrupted by a gruff kiss on the lips and my gaze left the floor for a second.

"Can you calm down? I can literally hear your heartbeat from the other side of the room." Harry made sure I stayed in contact with him and didn't start to wander off again. It was a bad habit of mine. Lose touch with the world and create one of my own where everything worked out the way I wanted them to. I guess that doesn't work in real life 2.0.

"So what do you suggest we do?" I flung my arms out and almost knocked over a lamp on the nightstand in the process.

"We can't be stuck here, it's just a little snow. If you're gonna let frozen water stop you then fine. But I got more fighter instincts than that." He winked and walked over to the door.

An hour later both me and Harry leaned towards the wall, dripping from sweat and with breathing so heavy you could've thought we had bricks lying on our chests. Dejected I turned my head to the door where an eight feet deep hole had been dug into the snow.

"Okay so we can't get out that way." Harry gasped weary. He relaxed his neck and dropped his head backwards, if it had been hanging just a little bit lower he would looked beheaded.

"What other ways are there Harry?" I sighed and sunk down so I was lying on the flor wiht only my head pressed against the wall. I felt the double chins build up.

"There are ways. There's always other ways, gotta be."

"I don't think there is."

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