Chapter 18 - Impact

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I looked at Harry with wide eyes. He seemed angry, and I heard something snap. Not physically. Just in some undiscovered corner of my mind. He worked as a trigger.

"What was I supposed to tell him Harry? That he's why I couldn't start at the college I wanted to? That he's the reason I'm taking a 'sabbatical'?" I made sarcastic quote marks in the air with my fingers. "That's what I told mom..." I stared at the floor for a second and felt something that couldn't be mistaken for anything else than shame. Angrily I shook my head and looked up again. "That he got what he wanted?!" My voice ended in an alarming high pitch and what felt like four litres of blood came rushing to my head all at once. Leaving the rest of my body drained. The room started to spin.

When I applied for the college I had always wanted to go to, I got in but mom wasn't able to stand for the costs alone, and we were still not talking to dad so I was forced to push college up a year and try to work it out meanwhile. If mom and I can't make the money go together by the end of the year, we would have problems. I might be forced to forget about my college years. The ones every teenager had been dreaming about since they were old enough to understand the student hall parties at night and the possibility to ge with the teachers without  it being illegal. I my case I had mostly been looking forward to move and leave everything behind for a while. I wasn't planning on escaping my problems, just put them on hold until I have the energy to deal with them,

"You could have just changed the subject or refused to answer!" Harry argued and crossed his arms. "You're lying to him!" The veins on his neck were vaguely visible but still throbbing. With a nervous hand he ran his fingers through his hair. Fights made him anxious, but he had a talent of covering it up. Too bad for him I knew him all to well to fall for his cross mask.

"I know that!" I fought the urge to calm down, but my frustration made the room spin faster. An explosion of heat hit my ears and I felt like I was being dipped in hot frying oil. "Harry I..."

"You what?!"

"Nevermind." I forced the room to stop moving like a merry-go-round and remained on my legs, that might as well have been two pieces of boiled spaghetti for the last minute. How they managed to hold me up I had no clue. I felt like such a lightweight. If I showed the slightest sign of weakness Harry wouldn't stop talking about his victory for days.

"Nevermind. That's your answer to everything." Harry mumbled to himself with the illusion that I couldn't hear him. Well he was wrong. I grabbed a pillow and chucked it at him. It hit his shoulder and fell to the floor, resting on his left foot.

"So now we're throwing pillows? You're such a CHILD!" He shouted. "Can't you ever act your age?"

"Who's the one that still need their mom to do their laundry for them?!"

"That's it I-" Harry got abruptly cut off by a loud noise hitting the wall behind him. The sudden heavy impact made me tumble backwards and hit my back on a door behind me. With the door knob pressing at my spine I couldn't catch my breath and a throbbing pain shot through at least a third of my body. Exactly which parts I weren't sure, I just knew my legs and back hurt pretty bad. In the collision Harry, who had been facing away from the direction the thud came from, tripped forward and hit the door as well. He stopped himself from crashing into me, with ridiculously quick reflexes place one hand on each side of my head. His breathing was heavy.

"What the hell was that?!" Was the first thing he said between his rapid respiration. "Ash are you okay?!"

"Depends on what you mean by 'okay'. Has the word been given a new meaning lately." I joked to ease him up a bit. It didn't work. Why wasn't I surprised. Once Harry's gone into protectiove boyfriend-mode there was no going back. As soon as I stopped talking an intense pain shot through my arm. It felt like hitting your elbow on the edge on a table, only 150 times worse. I groaned loudly and Harry knew something was up.

"You're whaa-" Harry said.

"I'm whaa what?" I laughed and tried to catch his eye. I don't think he was aware of the fact that he left words unfinishedan  didn't make sense. But he was to busy scanning my body for wounds and injuries. I felt a lot like a pack of damaged goods.

"Can you move?" Harry replied with another question and neglected to answer me. I think he was trying to figure out what was wrong with me with no luck, and now he was testing my state with everything he could come up with.

"Yeah I think I- Okay no." I gave up when a felt more torment work its way through my back. I felt like I had a sitting in the electrical chair. I would much rather have shots of alcohol than shots of pain right now. The things a few centilitres of vodka could do to relieve pain was pure magic.

"Harry?" I tried and poked his arm with my forehead. He didn't notice.

"Doctor?" Surprisingly he looked up. He chuckled nervously at his new nickname he apperantly seemed to listen to.


"It's my back. You can drop my arm." I smiled wryly.

"Then why didn't you say so from the start?!" He nagged. Wit two strong arms around my core he lifted me away from the door I had been pressing up against for the past minutes.

"Does it hurt when you move?"

"Kinda." I was put down on the floor by the bed so I could lean my back against the side of it. There was still pain, but the intensity of it lowered for every minute. I sighed of out relief. I was scared I had done some permanent damage to my spine or something, but that was probably not the case.

"It feels better Harry." I stroke his shoulder to calm him down. "I can move just fine, if you let me sit here for a few."

Harry sat down next to me and I rested my head against his upper arm. Something soft touched the top of my hair. It was just Harry placing gentle kisses one by one. I counted them in my head. Four. Five. Six.

"Harry." My eyes were caught on a spot on the wall opposite of us, and I spoke out in thin air like I had no contact with present time. "We should go check what that loud impact was. I doubt it was a gang of boys on snowboards having a laugh."

"Probably." Harry go up on two feet. He gave me his arm and I snuck my significantly smaller hand into his and he pulled me up with causion. Like I was his favourite book and I was slighly damp, and he didn't want the soggy pages to fall out. Together we walked over to the main door where you enter the cabin. I stood diagonally behind Harry looking over his shoulder as he pressed down the door handle. Harry was being very causious, but it wasn't enough for the mass of snow just waiting to get invited into the house. Before I even had the time to blink Harry followed the door that flew open when he pressed the knob down. He slammed into the jacket hanger and myself, I got a whole lot of snow in my face.

"Oh my god!"

"I'm okay, I seem like you were wondering." Sarcastically he sighed and tried to get up on his feet, buried in a pile of our shoes, jackets and ski wear. He removed a fleece jumper out of his eyes and irritated tossed to the side.

Frozen like an ice popsicle I stared at the ten feet compact wall filling up every inch of the only door out to freedom.


Hey guys!! Extra long chapter tonight, it's a friday night so why not. The story is starting to get interesting, I'm a bit slow at getting to the action I know. But if you liked it, be sure to vote and drop a comment before you leave, so I have a clue about what's going through your heads when you're reading :) Hug kiss hug kiss

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