Chapter 1: Basic Discussions Between the Party and Decisions.

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"Alright! Alright!" Han Sooyoung yelled through a rolled-up book. She brought it down and hit her thigh. "I want to know where the man Kim Dokja is!"

Lee Jihye and Jung Heewon glanced at each other—they sighed along with the request. "Oi, I know what you're heading at, Sooyoung-ssi," Jung Heewon said.

"O.K. c'mon, we need to wrap the photoshoot up. And this guy," she took her phone out and put it in their faces, showing them an email. It was directly from the previous actor, mentioning that a family emergency had come up and that he had to head there right away. "Also, Dokja looks a bit like Jiwoon, it will fit."

Lee Jihye and Jung Heewon purse their lips into a line as Han Sooyoung continued with her eyes closed and hand holding the book to her chest. "And, the scene is BL, applying that the Squid is also bisexual, so it won't harm him in any way, for a matter, the Sunfish—"

"What are you guys talking about?" Another female's voice inquired. The three women turned to face Yoo Sangha, carrying a cardboard box into the room. "Oh, and Sooyoung-ssi, these are the printouts."

"Thank you, Yoo Sangha-ssi," Han Sooyoung opened her eyes and shot the woman a smile, then gripped the folded book once again. "We were talking about asking the Squid to play the role of Jiwoon."

"Oh." Yoo Sangha blinked. "Wait—"

Lee Jihye slapped her forehead, she wrapped an on Jung Heewon. "Is he still single?"

"Who? Dokja-ssi?" A man's voice asked. The party turned to see Lee Hyunsung walking into the room. When he saw everyone watching him, he broke into an explanation, "sorry if I intruded, but I was going back to the set room, and couldn't help but overhear."

"You're good, Hyunsung-ssi," Han Sooyoung waved, then turned to Lee Jihye. "Yeah, that guy and the Sunfish."

"Him too?" Yoo Sangha and Lee Hyunsung asked. "Damn, I'm surprised that Yoo Jonghyuk is still though," Jung Heewon murmured, pressing the stub of her thumb against her lower lip—she glanced at Yoo Sangha—and the other woman immediately nodded in return. "I'm not sure if Dokja-ssi will comply," Yoo Sangha began, putting a strand of hair behind her ear and scratching her neck slightly. "Yoo Jonghyuk-ssi and Dokja-ssi don't necessarily get along."

"That's the sugarcoat!" A husky voice bursted, and Uriel jumped into the room with another boy in her hand. The beauty of the woman never seemed to reside even with the smeared makeup. "They always argue, but it's trivial." She pushed snowy hair back and grinned.

Beside her, Bihyung looked away in a pouty face and murmured, "couple-like fights."Han Sooyoung drew the folded book on her shoulder like a baseball bat. "Add."

"Other than the event where Jonghyuk-ssi wouldn't budge until Dokja ate at least something," Bihyung, the shortest in the group, and the oddest, added, "last time Yoo Jonghyuk told Kim Dokja that tie was off and Kim Dokja fumbled to fix it—"

"Oh! I remember that!" Lee Hyunsung raised a finger, "after that Jonghyuk-ssi tried to fix his tie—"

Mr. Black interrupted them with a groan. "That guy caused a literal scene."

Bihyung scratched his rag-colored sweater. Beside him, Uriel jumped next to Mr. Black. "It was because—"

"Will you give them a break?" Mr. Black drew a hand through his dark hair and glowered at her with violet contacts. "They're like that in their own way," he lowered it and waved his hand in front of Uriel's face("it was because Jonghyuk-ah touched—" she stopped muttering after a look from Mr. Black).

Jung Heewon clicked her tongue. "True, true, but how will Yoo Jonghyuk react?""Yeah, we can guess the Squid's reaction. . . " Han Sooyoung murmured, Uriel made a gasping expression, and Yoo Sangha giggled. Uriel grinned in return and leaned against Jung Heewon.Mr. Black sighed once again; he grinned a bit. "Yoo Jonghyuk has to. He has the fame and the fans are demanding more." Bihyung tilted his head. "He only has single shoots, this will cause a commotion—"

"That's a problem—"

"No, I meant I'm all for it," Bihyung interrupted Lee Hyunsung and turned around to leave the room.

"How odd," Mr. Black murmured under his breath and pressed the ridge of his nose. "Well, you have one day. That's all I can wait for. Who's the sponsor for this shoot?"

"Some username going Secretive Plotter." Han Sooyoung lowered the book and then pulled her lips into a pout. "They've named the scenes and have given the clothes and all. . . "Mr. Black nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him.Yoo Sangha and Jung Heewon said at once, "the whole thing is pretty secondhanded."Because it was.

Uriel smiled once again. "I'll help with this!"

"Of course, of course," Han Sooyoung whispered under her breath, her eyes glimmered. "Yoo Sangha-ssi, and Lee Hyunsung-ssi do you mind delivering the information to Kim Dokja?"Yoo Sangha looked a bit flustered, but she averted her eyes and looked Han Sooyoung in the eye. "I'll try, Sooyoung-ssi."

Han Sooyoung shot her a soft smile and turned to Lee Hyunsung. "I'll pursue it too." The man nodded.

"Are we all for Jonghyuk-ssi?" Uriel asked, glancing at Han Sooyoung, Lee Jihye, and Jung Heewon. "Actually, Uriel-ah, I think it's better if only Sooyoung-ssi goes to convince," Yoo Sangha said calmly, "Jonghyuk-ssi does not like crowds."

Jung Heewon turned to Lee Jihye, "we have to check the packages, plus," they paused. "Uriel-ah, you have two shoots scheduled," Jung Heewon said.

Uriel pursed her lips. "Alright." She stated. Said girl turned on her heel and began walking out.

"Well, we better—" Jung Heewon clicked her tongue and walked towards the exit with Lee Jihye behind her. They both turned around and gave a thumbs-up of good luck and turned back around, exiting the room and walking in the direction of the dressing room.

Yoo Sangha turned to Han Sooyoung. "Is Jonghyuk-ssi. . . uh?"

Lee Hyunsung raised a brow.

"He is, as per my knowledge," Han Sooyoung replied; she thought back to the photoshoots of Yoo Jonghyuk in his old company when he first debuted, some with guys and some with girls.Lee Hyunsung sighed, "it's a bit sad that they're dense."

"What are you implementing? Hyunsung-ssi?" Yoo Sangha turned to Lee Hyunsung.

Han Sooyoung shrugged. "Implementation is that both are into each other but dense to admit it."

Lee Hyunsung nodded, "I've heard Kim Dokja-ssi mention the fact that he doesn't like Yoo Jonghyuk-ssi many times, but is always concerned about him."

"Sometimes Jonghyuk-ssi would just ignore the name 'Kim Dokja' from time to time when they'd fight. . . and then he'd indirectly compliment the Squid."

"I take back the density. They're major tsunderes." Han Sooyoung stated.

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