Author's Note.

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「Lu Guang is so fucking adorable-」

↟ referring to the picture above.

Anyhow, speaking of pictures, I wanted to say beforehand that the thumbnail for this story is not my original, I've edited it. But, if the OG artist wants it down, then that will be complied with, otherwise, here's the link for the original artwork:

(Please follow their Twitter too!)

Now, let me just clear it that the plot of this AU and how this fanfiction goes belongs to me, whilst the characters and their designs/dynamics belong to Sing N Song/SingShong. Also, a quick reminder that this is a fanfiction, none of this is canon(I wish).

Welp. . . that's all I really wanted to say. Anyhow, lemme clear some small things. 

- There are two photoshoots.

- I don't like jumping into drama.

- Yes, some interesting shit will happen.

- I wanted to truly credit my(edited) thumbnail.

And in all honesty. I just believe that when Kim Dokja is sober, he won't let anyone do shit that goes against his core, meaning unless he's drunk or something, I doubt he'll lower his guard.  AND he's the dumbass who doesn't want to burden people. . . so its only fair.

Thanks for reading this note and do keep in mind that you guys can pick at any mistakes, I'll try to correct them as soon as possible. Bah-Bye y'all.

「I can't be the only one crying at the ending. . . of ORV. . .」

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