Chapter 5 - Marylyn, Who?

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Nick P.O.V~

I was done with my un-packing, so I decided to take a look around the field, hoping I could find someone who knows Marylyn. I walked right back to the ground field where I sat earlier, and it was almost crowded at this time. I found a group of 2 guys and a girl sitting on their own by a tree, and so I decided to approach them first.

"Hey, can I ask you guys something? " I asked, looking as pitiful as ever.

"YEAH! Sure go on" one of the guys answered.

I took out the picture that I have of me and marylyn and showed it to them "have you guys seen this girl anywhere around this college? " I asked hoping to get a positive reply.

Or maybe not...

"Uh.. no we haven't, are you sure she goes here? " the same guy said again with a confused face. Does she really go here?!

"Uh.. y-yeah, I guess so" I hesitated abit. I wasn't sure after all.

"Sit down," the other guy offered "we might help you, if you tell us about her little more, we clearly know a big population of the students in this college" he stated making me feel a bit relieved! Somehow.

So I sat down hoping these people would help me. Although one looks a bit kinda bored and wanna waste time, the other guy looks kinda cool and the helping-type one and the girl who looks totally un-interested and seems like she in her own stressful world.

"I'm Jackson, nice to meet you.. "
".. and I'm Eric "
"I'm Nick from the US, nice to meet you guys" I introduced myself and so did they but no one introduced the girl. What's wrong with her, why does she looks so dark and gloomy? Did she lose her boyfriend too!.. I chuckled at my nonsense thoughts.

"Tell us how do you know this girl, and why do you think she goes here? Cause we doubt she does! " Jackson asked.

"Well I met this girl in Greece, we had an incredible, unforgettable moments.. I guess I fell in love with her" I started my heartbreaking story, atleast for me it's heartbreaking.

"Oh that's cool, did you lose her on the way? " Eric joked and the 'Three' of them laughed, including the gloomy girl.

"Well, you could say so. I did lose her! She suddenly disappeared when we were still in Greece and i guess she came back here -to the UK" I completed with a disappointment look.

"Why do you think she goes here?! " Jackson asked while the girl leaned down on him, Is she falling asleep?

"Well she did forget her ID card and college handbook.. so I figured she might go to this collage! "

"Oh what a coincidence, our friend lost her ID card too" Eric said. Oh! Is that why she is depressed?!

"So what's her name, we might know her" Jackson asked in curiosity.

"Her name is as beautiful as her.. it suits her the best. It's Marylyn" I said with a proud smile. But whats wrong with them?

Marylyn P.O.V~

This guy whose name is 'Nick' went on talking about this girl that he loves and which he also lost. And I Definitely don't care. I mean I just lost an important thing that I need for an important occasion.

"So what's her name, we might know her" Jackson asked in curiosity. Jacky is really bored and so into this fairytale.

"Her name is as beautiful as her.. it suits her the best. It's Marylyn" he said causing all of us to look at him in disbelieve.

Marylyn? Really? That is totally not me! 'As beautiful as her' wah! .. lost her ID card! .. what the heck is happening in this freakin fairytale of his.

"Did you just say Marylyn? " Me, Eric and Jacky asked at the same time.

"Uh yeah! Why? You guys know her!? " he asked cheerfully this time. Ah uh!

"Well, you see here our friends name is marylyn "Jacky started to explain.
".. and as you can clearly see, she's not the one you're talking about, right? Eric completed.
".. but she did lose her ID card and college handbook.. so you see.. "Jacky added and the guy looks stunned.

"Uh well.. it's definitely not her! " Nick said in confusion.
"Here is the ID card, please check it" he offered and we went on to talk a look.



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