Chapter 4 - Giving up?

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~When things don't go right it goes left and you're the one I haven't forget~

Nick P.O.V~

The very next morning i was all set ready to start searching for her. I bearly had any sleep yesterday.My taughts are all haunted by her, by her face , by her voice , by everything that has 'her'.

The only hope i have is this small book in my hands. Marylyn college Handbook. her identity card was in it too, Bonus! (without a picture). I got to know where her college is and so i went.

Students everywhere in the fields. Girlfriends, Couples, Singles and even lonely people where all seen in the field, but i couldn't get glance on her. Doesn't she have classes today?.

i Started with the cafeteria, few classes and down the library but still i couldn't find her. hour later i found myself laid down on the grass like a dead person.

Where the heck could she be now? am i already giving up?

I pulled myself up and decided to walk to the office room of this damn college.

"Good Morning miss" i said , knocking the door while cracking it open a little bit.

"yes, come in" A mid-aged lady said while looking at some kind of papers.

"I just moved to the UK and i need join this college.." i said .

Yes i said so. i ran out of my mind to this distinct. Leaving all i have in the US, grabbed all the money that i have and here i am.

Marylyn P.O.V~

Agh~~~~ i couldn't stand this life anymore. What does every bad thing in this world happens to me. Only me. Why is it even me this time.

I threw my self down the grassy ground in frustration. My life is a whole failure. What am i even doing..

"hey marylyn, whats wrong with you today?" My bestfriend jackson said while sitting down next to me. he's the only person who i could say is there for me in every situation.

"jackyyyy~~~" i whined loudly , leaning down on his shoulder, like usual.

"what is it mary? what happened now?" he asked.

I started pulling on my un-washed hair for like 3-4 days! and pulling on my shirt and short in frustration. "its like my life couldn't get any worse" i cried again "I lost my identity card and collge handbook" i blurted out fall down on his shoulder again.

"Not the first time~" he said in sarcasim.

"heyyy , you're supposed to comfort me now!, what am i gonna do, i need it for the club entrence" i yelled at him.

Nick P.O.V~

"Tell me if you need any help in filling your registration paper" ms.parker offered and i did need a help.

"um.. actually i want a room too..if thats okay" i asked, i've got no where to go.

"Yeah sure , that will add up the amount with 30 euro more" she said while doing her work.

I looked through my money and i didn't even have enough money. i surely do need to find a job.

I was done with filling the papers and went to find my room.

Clearly i was going to share it with 3 other guys and i was fine with it..i need people to help me anyway.

I walked in the room and started unpacking my stuff. I was arranging my books on the shelf when a picture fell down from one one my books. i picked it up and a smile appeared on my face.

It was the only picture i had of her with me. The very best moment i got to spend with her, holding her hand to take the picture. i kept it back in the book and completed unpacking

It was already 12;00 o'clock when i was done unpacking and decided to take a look around the college and maybe get to find marylyn.

Marylyn P.O.V~

I was still sitting down-in frustration- with jackson and eric my two bestfriends. yeah im the kind of boyish girl that has guy-friends. I dont really take care of the way i look, probably why my life is a mess in the first place. 

we were chit-chatting when a guy with a cool haircut and a backpack on his back approached us.

"Hey, can i ask you guys something?" i said , having that pitiful look on his face. Is he new here?

"yeah sure go on" jacky said with a smile. this kid is so pure.

"have you guys seen this girl anywhere around this college" he asked, showing us a picture of a girl and a guy possibly is him. Did he lose his girlfriend? .. well i did lose my identity card without a picture of me on it..Dumbass.

"uh... no we haven't , are you sure she goes here?" jacky asked.

"yeah, i guess so."

"sit down, we might help you , if you tell us about her little more, we clearly know a big population of students in this college.

And so he sat down , all ready to tell us about her.!



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