Chapter 7 - Roommates for help.

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~just take my hand, I'm on your side,
don't panic don't fend, in the darkness I'm your light~


I was fooled like a kid who got fooled about Santa being real all his childhood.

I was betrayed by the only thing that felt real to me, love of my life.

Why did she have to be a lie. A unforgettable lie that took over my lie to the maximum extent. My mind was running Wild with all the unbelievable thoughts and anger was bubbled in my entire body.

Walking around unknowingly, I found my self in front of my room. I went in and threw myself down on my bed. Everything in me just feels numb.  Everything.

I laid there staring at the white blocked roof, Trying to collect myself.


We were looking around for about ten minutes for Nick.  Not being able to find him, we gave up for now and decided to go to Jacky and Eric's room to rest abit, although I wasn't allowed to be there.

"Lets go in for a bit and we'll try to find him later" Jacky said as he cracked the door open and we walked in.

I threw my bag down the floor and was ready to throw my self down the empty bed in their room, when i saw a figure laying there.  I nudged jackson and he nudged Eric and the three of us glanced at the figure,  and figured out it was actually Nick!

"Hey its him" I whispered softly but to loud for him to get up and stare at us. 

"What are you guys doing here? " Nick asked confused, looking at the trio, us.

"Ah.. listen Nick, we're here to apologize.. " Jackson started to speak.
"And try to help you find that girl, if you let us to" Eric added.
"He's not in a place to refuse others help" I finished and Jacky nudged me.  Oops!  That was meant to stay in my head only.

"Thanks guys... I still haven't gotten everything in my mind yet. But thanks for your offer" he spoke whirling, pushing himself back down on his bed.

His bed?  "Hey guys isn't this your room" I stated after realising that we're in Jackson's and Eric's room.  What is he doing here.

"Yeah right,"
"Have you been given this room? "Eric asked Nick who looked so blankly on the bed.

"Yeah.. " he replied blankly and drily.

"Hey thats cool man, we're roommates now" jackson cheered on, raising his hand for a high five which in return Nick gave him a weak hand stamp.

"C'Mon man, cheer up, we're there to help you " Eric said and both of them sat down next to Nick on the bed.

"Thanks guys and sorry for snapping at you back then" he apologized causing me to remember why I was searching for him in the first place.  To apologize.

"Its okay, the three of us are gonna help you find your love" Jackson offered with a wink.

"You two,  you two are gonna help him," I said with a side fake smile of mine. "Sorry but I have a club to look after and i apologize for yelling at you" I said my apology and turned to leave, I wasn't supposed to be here anyway.

"Mary c'mon, you promised to help, you can do both " Eric said, trying to convince me to help this stranger. Nick!

"I didn't promise a shit, don't say anything in place of me" I smile again awkwardly.

"Maryyyy" jackson tried to put his cute face on which gets me every time.

"Later guys " I said before grabbing my back and leaving.  His cute face won't get me this time.

Deep in,  I kind of wanted to help Nick, just to know who's that girl who stole my ID and claimed to be me. But I was so busy in trying to find people who wants to enter in my club. And I was so down by all the  criticizes and disapproval that I got.

Who would want to get in my club. Anyway!


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