Panic attacks and Salty Dream

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(TW: Mentions of Panic, Dream being salty with Xisuma, I said what I said)

(A/N: The reason Dream hyper-fixates on the mask Xisuma is wearing is that all admins in this universe must wear a mask of some sort. Dream dislikes that Xisuma found a loophole. Also, I did some more work with figuring out timelines and things, so I'll be going through the past chapters and updating details that are no longer accurate. Hopefully by next Monday, they'll all be fixed!)

Needless to say, Grian was panicking.

His family, friends, and Dream were all in HermitCraft, his Safehaven from the SMP. The one place where he felt safe.

He tried to reassure himself, since he looked really different. He was tanner, more filled out, he looked healthier, his hair was more golden than the blonde it used to be. His wings were no longer stained grey by the smoke, the smoke of countries burning and blowing up, the smoke from Shlatt's cigarettes that stained the sky black for months after the man's death.

Grian took a deep breath, calming himself. It would be fine. His voice had even changed, it was no longer the voice that grated on one's nerves, that made people more alert.

He had lost the need for that voice, lost the need for them to pay attention. He had plenty of attention now, so his voice became smoother, softer, more soothing if he spoke softly. His accent even imitated Mumbo's now, since they spent so much time together.

It would be fine.


Dream smiled as he surveyed the land before him. Desolate, empty, void of life. This was familiar territory. The others seemed calm as well, all too used to destruction.

They didn't know that they hadn't spawned at the world's spawn point since they were just visitors.

A man approached, also wearing a mask, but it was made of a tinted purple glass and didn't cover much of his facial expressions.


"Hey there! Welcome to HermitCraft, sorry that you spawned here. It's... well, one of the hermits is doing a project here. It doesn't naturally look like this, don't worry." Said the purple-masked man. This displeased Dream greatly, that this wasn't how it was meant to look, but he hid it easily behind his non-see through mask.

Yes, he would be salty about that for a while.

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