Mumbo Jumbo Knows

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(Tw: Small mentions of PTSD, small mentions of trauma, ominous endings, hahahahaha)

Mumbo was waiting, tapping his foot quickly, giving the impression he was impatient to anyone besides Grian. He knew that meant he was expectant and anxious, not impatient, and that his friend wouldn't force him to tell if he asked.

Grian knew he was at the end of the line though. He had to speak now, or another chance would never pop up. That's how these things worked.

So, he takes a big breath in, and starts.

"What do you want to know first?"

: ) ~

Mumbo was shocked to learn all that his friend had gone through.

Several wars (which makes sense for how out of it Grian had been during the prank war), two separate exiles (No wonder he hated being alone!), emotional manipulation by most adults (At least now Mumbo knows why Grian only really trusted him, they were closer in age than he had thought), and a gods awful admin (So THAT'S why Grian got nervous around Xisuma for the first half of the season).

But besides all that... Grian had lost his flock. They had betrayed him, hurt him, killed him. No wonder the avian had been so flighty when his instincts registered Mumbo as flock!

Making a mental note to help Grian preen and research Avians, Mumbo cleared his throat, realizing that he hadn't spoken yet after Grian finished speaking.

" Okay, yeah, that's a lot. Can I ask why you haven't told anyone yet? That seems... no offense, but that's like, PTSD fodder, isn't it?" Grian chuckles softly and shrugs in return.

"I guess? I mean, I'm recovering. You guys have really helped, trust me. You're all... so different to them. I mean, there's some similarities, sure. I had a creeper friend back in the SMP, Stress and False are similar to some girls I knew back then, and... well, you aren't like Tubbo or Ranboo, or really anyone, but that's better in the long run."

Mumbo nodded thoughtfully, and frowned. "Is anyone here like Dream?" Grian's eyes widened and he shook his head rapidly. "No, oh god, fuck no! No, none of you are EVER like him. He... something is wrong with him."

Mumbo's eyes widened at this, especially since Grian cursed. Grian never cursed. Realizing what he did, Grian backtracked and sputtered slightly.

"O-oh, oh, sorry. I didn't mean to, just- it's just talking about this is all. Back... back there, I used to curse a lot. I stopped so that nobody would connect the dots, kinda. Also 'cause you guys don't curse."

Mumbo nodded, though still shocked. "Okay, yeah, makes sense. But... what now? They're on the server for who knows how long. There's no way you're not getting found out, no offense."

Grian chuckles, nodding softly. "I know. I'm ready to get caught, but I'm going to try not to for as long as possible. After all, if they see how great I'm doing here, they might realize that being on that server was no good for me.

Don't worry. I have a plan."

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