Where in the world is Wilbur Soot?

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(Tw: being lost, cursing? Ish?)

(AN: if there's anything contradicting the things said in this chapter, please let me know, because I do not have a beta reader. Also, early chapter!)

Safe to say it, Wilbur was a bit lost.

During the server meeting, he had been in the back of the group, strategically. Since he was wearing brown, he was rather easy to miss against the surrounding terrain.

Nobody even noticed when he "wandered" away during Tubbo's panic attack.

Nobody really noticed him there at all in the first place.

Unfortunately, this lead to the situation he was currently in. He had no clue where he was. At all.

...he really shouldn't have left without a guide.

After a while of walking, though, he could hear voices. Well, one voice, or so he thought. It was hard to tell.

He smiled, approaching the voice.

"Hello? Is someone there? I'm afraid I'm a bit lost, if you could direct me back to the... shopping district, I believe it was called? It would be much..."

His voice dies out at the scene in front of him. A man clad in red, which shouldn't have been so shocking. No, what surprised him was that the man looked almost exactly like the server admin, just... red.

At a second glance, even this observation was false. There were major differences. The admin's eyes were a purple, this one's were blue. The admin's hair was brown, much like Wilbur's. This other one has hair so blonde it was almost white. His face had more scars, most prominently a scar over his eye.

Wilbur quickly regained his composure.

"Oh, my apologies if I was interrupting something. As I said, I'm quite lost. Could you perhaps guide me back to where I'm meant to be?" The man scoffed slightly, his voice gravelly sounding. A voice changer, Wilbur noted.

"Who the hels are you? A new hermit or something?" Wilbur smiles slightly, shaking his head. "Oh, no, I'm afraid you must be confused. My name is Wilbur Soot, and I'm a guest on the server currently. I'm here for the mental health campaign that Dream is running."

The man nods stiffly, but seems calmer. "Oh, joy. There more of you?" Wilbur nods. "Great. Fantastic. Lovely." The man groans, shaking his head and looking a bit upset. "Of course my stupid brother forgets to tell me these things. I'm not surprised."

Wilbur perks up at this. "Brother? That wouldn't happen to be the admin of this server? X-I-suma or whatever his name is?" The stranger bursts out in laughter, clearly amused. "Hah- yeah, okay, sure. Call him that to his face, you'll get the funniest reaction ever. Yeah, he's my brother alright."

Wilbur smiles more. "My brothers are also here for the campaign. In fact, it's about-" Wilbur cuts himself off, his expression suddenly darkening. The stranger quickly tries to change the subject.

"Cool. My name is Xernias, but you can call me EX."

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