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Hello friends this is my first book and my native language is also not English, so I didn’t write this book in modern English, I just wrote this book in normal English.  But I promise you guys that I’ll try my best to add some modern English words. If there are any mistakes please forgive me & also please support this book and I’ll make sure you’ll also like my future works.

Please don't copy my work in any way. All rights to this book are reserved for me.


   Age: 28
   Eye color: Deep red.
He is the Devil in the human form. Doesn’t know what is love, care, emotionless, no friends, no families; no girlfriend (hates girls not because of his past but because of the girls he is seeing in his everyday life).  
   He is the most powerful man in the world. He is Ruthless, fearless, and has no weakness. He is World’s top Billionaire.  He is the most handsome eligible Bachelor in the world.
Greek God, Angel face with no expressions.
Age: 25
Eye color: Hazel brown. 
   She is the Angel in the human form. Love and care for everyone around her even if they don’t reciprocate the same.   No family but have friends who she considers as her family.   Help everyone no matter who they are.
  Hates violence, wants to live in peace. She is working as a cook in a normal restaurant. She is being abused every day.
  Looks like a goddess. Everyone can see the love and care in her face.
She has some health issues but she didn’t tell any of her friends because she doesn’t want to be a burden to them.  She didn’t reveal It to her other roommates as they didn’t care at all.

Oliver Smith:  
          Age:  33 (Daniel’s head bodyguard)

Mark Wilson:
           Age:  35 (Daniel’s Personnel driver)

Catherine Joseph:
           Age:  26 (Daniel’s New personal Assistant and Rose’s best friend and roommate)

Lucas Weismann:
           Age:  36 (Rose’s boss)

           Age:  24 (Rose’s best friend & roommate)

Jacob Hunter:
           Age: 26 (Rose’s co-cook and friend in restaurant) Have a crush on rose.

Stella William:
           Age: 25 (waiter and consider rose as an enemy in a restaurant without a reason).

Chloe, Lucy, Leo:  Stella’s friends in the restaurant who are the followers of her words.

Helen, Zoe: Who considers Rose as an enemy in her apartment

Jason Smith:  Cathy’s boyfriend + some major role you’ll know when he is introduced.
    And have some more small characters and some major characters.


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