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Next day:


Everything is perfect in our life now. Everyone is Happy. Cathy and Jason are perfect for each other. Oliver and Eva are too perfect for each other. About me and Daniel, I have no words to say about our relationship. Now without him, I don't think I can live. Today morning we all planned to go to Mel's Mansion as I, Eva, and Cathy didn't go there once. So now we are getting ready. Daniel, Oliver, Jason, and Watson left early morning. Daniel told me that he'll send Mark (Daniel's driver) to pick up us. Don't think there are any bodyguards here. Four bulky men are standing outside our apartment door. They are scary. We all got ready. Daniel gave me a dress today morning. He asked me to wear this dress today. Now I'm in that dress, or-length red party wear. Jason gave some peach color party wear to Cathy. And Oliver gave some baby pink color knee-length gown to Eva. So now we three are ready in the dress our partners gave us. Then we heard the doorbell ringing. Eva went and opened the door. Mark is standing in the doorway in three pieces maroon color suit. I wonder.

Me: Mark. Are we going to any party?

Mark: No Ms. Rosalynn. Mr. King asked me to bring you all to the Mansion only.

Cathy: Then why are you wearing a suit today.

Mark: I don't know Ms. Joseph. They asked me to wear a suit. But I don't know the reason. Shall we go?

Me: I'll only come if you call me Rose.

(He smiled)

Mark: shall we leave now Rose? Otherwise, Mr. King will have my head.

Me: Let's go.

(We all came downstairs. That bulky men are following us. We saw the white limo waiting for us. Seriously Daniel, don't you have any normal cars).

Eva: Wow. I feel like I'm a princess now.

Me: You're always a princess sweetheart not only now.

(She side hugged me then we all got into the limo and mark started to drive. In 20 minutes, the car slows downed. I looked outside the window. I saw the beautiful mansion, no not a mansion. It is looking like a castle. It is somewhat scary but I love this castle. Mark parked the limo outside. We got out. I looked at Cathy and Eva. They are just looking at the castle/mansion with an open mouth. Then mark escorted us inside. This castle is huge. Don't tell me Daniel is living here alone. But what I saw next really made my heart beat fast. The whole living room is decorated with different kinds of flowers. All the four men standing there in their Armani. I looked at my Cutie. He is now looking like a Greek god. He is wearing a red and black suit. Jason and Oliver wearing Black suits. And Watson is wearing the same suit as Mark. I don't know what is going on here. )

(First Watson went near Mark and kneeled with one leg and started to propose to him. I looked at them in shock. Both Watson and Mark are gay and they love each other. Cathy and Eva are also trying to understand what is happening. Then Watson started to Propose Mark.)

Watson: I know Mark. Our relationship period is very short. But I decided that I want to spend my life with you when I first saw you in this mansion. Then I was on cloud nine when I came to know that you also have feelings for me. I don't want to delay this anymore. So tell me Mark Will you Marry Me?

Mark: Of course. I too want to spend my life with you, Watson. I love you. And I'll marry you. Yes.

(Then Watson took the ring box from his coat pocket. He took the ring then hold Mark's hand and then he placed the ring on his finger. Then Watson looked at Oliver. I'm confused as hell now. Oliver came in front and kneeled with one leg in front of Eva. Now Eva completed turned red.)

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