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    Finally, now I’m in my private jet moving back to New York.  All these years in London I worked hard and as the result now I’m the most eligible bachelor in the world.  KINGS Industries are the expert in everything from A to Z. I hate New York because when I was young the people in New York only give me the hate as I’m an orphan, even my orphanage people treat me as a slave, but now after eight years, the whole New York is very excited to receive to me ( power and money ).  When 8 years ago I leave New York I have no idea to return there.
     But I don’t know something in me wants to go back to that place. I don’t know why I have this feeling, that there is something more important for me is waiting for my arrival. So I decided to settle in New York.  For that, I have to move my headquarters from London to New York.  Thank god I selected new PA for me in New York because my PA’s in London is a pain in my ass.  I wish this new PA won’t cross her limits. 
    Seriously I don’t know, people call me the "Curse to the world” they are shaking in fear in front of me but some of the girls falling on me. But once they know who I am they run away in an instant.   But some of my ex PA’s are good at their work, that’s the only reason I didn’t fire some of them, and I don’t want to waste my time searching new PA. And I fired more than 100 PAs in the last six years.  So, finally, all settled, and let’s see what New York holds for me. I still remember that day 8 years ago when I feel that something is missing in life.  It feels like not something, everything in my life was missing, that was the new feel. 


8 years ago.
    It’s a normal day nothing is changed, the same room, the same broken windows, and bed.  I hate this place because I have to wake up before everyone in the orphanage and have to complete everyone’s work.  I have planned to move to a new place on my own as I’m already 20.  But I have to save enough money so that I can run away from this hell.
    I wake up from my bed, but suddenly I don’t know what feeling is this, I am missing something or I can say everything in my life. I want to cry but I don’t know the reason.  Sometimes I will miss my parents but this feeling is 1000% more strong than that feeling. I feel like someone snatches my life from me. 
        I cried for the whole day without any reason.


             After someday I saved enough so I moved to London and start my business there.  And yes I joined my surname of KING on my own.
   Still, I’ll have that feeling when I’m alone or I’m sad. I’ll cry for the whole night but no one knows this side of me.   I’ll land in New York in a few hours and somewhere in the corner of my heart, I feel happy.

     With these thoughts, I closed my eyes for some rest.

Rose POV:
          Please, sweethearts, you both are my sweethearts’ right then you have to help me in choosing my clothes. You know right  I’m going to join as a PA for the world’s most handsome eligible bachelor, at least I have to look good in front of him.  (My best friend Catherine blubber about her boss),

           Like girl seriously even before joining you’re making as deaf, I wonder what will happen once you
Join. I said as I can’t tolerate this bullshit.

           Catherine why are asking her you know about her she’s like this only.  Even if your boss comes in front of her she’ll be like “who are you? “   Or worst “You’re not at all that handsome”.   (Here comes my best friend Eva).

           They are not only my best friends but also the only people who consider me as their true friend.  They are the ones who gave me a place to stay when I move out of my orphanage eight years ago. Yes, we three are best friends for a long time.  I and Eva are orphans.  Catherine has her mother, father, and elder sister but they are in Canada, we will visit them once in six months.  They both also consider me and Eva as a family.  So, this is my small family where I’ll get my happiness.   Even they consider me as their family I don’t want them to feel sad or restless for me. So, I didn’t reveal my health issues to them (Yes, my body is completely weak as my hemoglobin rate is too low.  Every time doctors will advise me to take medicine but if I’ll take medicine they will find out and they will not allow me to work. And I don’t want to be their burden. We are already middle class; if I stop working it will surely affect their necessities.  )

               So, let’s come to Catherine, she got her new job as a PA for someone.  I don’t know who he is.  But she is jumping all day to meet him, even her boyfriend is also so excited that he is coming to New York.  I wonder whether Catherine’s boyfriend is straight or he’s gay.  When I ask him about this he just quotes (Most handsome eligible bachelor in the whole world). 

               Ok next Eva, she’s also more excited like “when he’ll land on New York”, “when I’ll be able to meet him”.   I don’t know what happened to them.  Even I have a feeling that something good is going to happen and I’m slightly happy but I don’t know the reason for that but I’m sure it’s not because of  that                                  
The most handsome eligible bachelor in the world”.

                Don’t be over-excited he’ll not even give a glance to the girls like you; He’ll only speak to girls like us.  (Here come the two people who consider me their enemy without any reason).

               I am scared of them because they both form teams only to abuse me, they will slap me, beat me, they are using me to do their work, some they both will beat me with their belt when Eva and Catherine are at the home.  
               We 5 members share a house, as the rent is too high.   They both will insult me to the extent because I’ll not complain to Eva or Catherine.  I am working as a cook in a medium-class restaurant.   And I’ll cook for all the members in the house as all of them don’t know how to cook.  Eva and Catherine will help me with cooking.

              Eva and Catherine also hate them. 

             You both just shut up do you think we don’t about your doings.  And you both even try to seduce my boyfriend but it didn’t work at all.  (Catherine lashes out on them).

              Do you think the most handsome bachelor will look at your plastic body (Eva lashes out on them)?

             I don’t know about you both but he’ll not give a single glance on the rose I’m hell sure on that (Helen told them about me).

             Shut up just shut up (Eva and Catherine both at the same time yell this is why they are best friends they just can’t tolerate even a single about me).

             Get the hell out of our room (Eva yelled at them).

             Let’s see I will meet him one day and make him fall for me (Zoe challenges and before they both leave the room.)

               I think they both consider themselves celebrities (Catherine taunts them we three laugh and then we called it night as tomorrow is the first day of work for Catherine).

             And I get on the bed with the same happy feeling and excitement for Catherine’s new job.  I have to wake up early to make breakfast and also lunch for Catherine.  I and Eva will eat at the restaurant as she’ll join me in lunch, (that is our daily routine as Eva works just a block away from the restaurant).

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