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       As for me, Eva and Catherine slept in the room as she was blabbering about her boss almost the whole night. Now that both idiots are sleeping like a log and here I’m looking at the white ceiling and thinking about nothing,  sleep is far away from my eyes.  Then suddenly Cathy’s mobile started to ring.  I looked at the time it was 1.40 at night.  Who is calling her at this time?  I looked at her and she didn’t even stir a bit. I’m sure that she’s somewhere in her dreamland. So, I took her mobile and looked at the caller I’d.  There is no name.  It’s just a number.  And then my stupid brain started to calculate all the negative situations... who is this?  What if something happens to her close ones and the one who helps them called her to inform her? Or worst what if someone in that situation called her for help?  Because In the late night people only call someone if something is important or urgent.  As I’m being stupid and thinking about all these without taking that call, the ring goes off and as I’m going to breathe in relief it started ringing again from that same number.  So this I attended the call without a second thought and asked her/him all the questions in one go and without letting the person in the other line speak.

Me:  Hello.  Who are you?  Why are you calling at this time?  Are you fine?  Is it something important or something worst happened to you or Catherine’s family?  Are you sure you’re fine?  Please respond why are you silent?

He:  I can only speak if you let me speak.  (A husky voice speaks from another side, this voice sending electricity all over my body and my body starts to shiver. but why? Oh, I think it’s because of this late night and it’s too cold outside).

Me:  Oh. Okay. I’m sorry and then who are….. (And before I complete the interrupt me)

He: Ohh... there before you start again let me complete.  There is nothing that happened to Ms. Joseph’s family or me.  It’s just she has to complete some presentation now, it’s important otherwise I’ll not call her this late night and the meeting is tomorrow early morning so it's urgent.  And………. Another thing………….thank you ………….. And …………. I’m…………..I’m fine.

   (He cleared all my doubts and I think he is sleepy he drag his last words long).

Me:  Oh. Okay. But she is sleeping like a dead buffalo, after disturbing my sleep. And I’m sure she is somewhere in the middle of the dream with her boyfriend.  Please wait I’ll try to wake her up. 

He: Hmm.  Okay.

(And now I have to wake up this log. Okay let’s try.)  As I’m saying these words to myself and tried to wake her up).

Me:  Cathy.  Cathy. Sweetheart.  Wake up. 

(I slapped her lightly). As she’s already tired I don’t want to disturb her at all.

Me:  Sweetheart.  Wake up, baby.  Wakey sweetheart. 

Cathy:  Please sweetheart.  10 more minutes.  My head is spinning.  My  D.E.V.I.L devil boss, you know right, as per his order I’m worked the whole day and I’m sure tomorrow also that devil will give me more works.  please sweetheart let me ……..sleep…..

(Here she sleeps again)  After hearing her I got some idea so I asked that person.

Me:  Hello sir.   I think she’s really tired as your boss gives her so much work.  So I think if you let me I’ll complete her work and I think You’re also sleepy,  You’re only working because You’re afraid f your boss right.  So I’ll have had have completed your work and you have to sleep now so only you’ll be able to handle tomorrow's work given by your boss.  You just send yours and Cathy’s to her WhatsApp. And I have no idea to sleep now.  Only if you let me, and promise me that you’ll not tell this to your boss. I’m sure he’ll fire you both.  You’re her colleague right.

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