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After hearing about Mr. King and his Tesoro, I also want someone in my life. Who will treat me like just how Mr. King treats his love. I wonder how Daniel knows everything about Mr. King. I think it's because he is working with Mr. King. Now I don't hate Mr. King and also I don't fear him now. As I'm in my thoughts I noticed one thing that both Cathy and Eva looking at me intensely. And they both have a smile on their faces.

Me: Why are you looking at me like that?

Cathy: Nothing sweetheart.

(They both came near me and sat to my right and left like they always when they want to ask something to me. I know they are going to ask me about the medical reports).

Cathy: what do you think about Daniel? Rose.

Me: What I thought you're going to ask about my reports .But you're asking me about Daniel.

Eva: Rose. We heard everything you said to Daniel about your reports and why you didn't tell us. So now the topic is different. Do you have any feelings for him?

(She asked out of blue. I can't hide anything from my besties so I just nodded my head).

(They both hugged me tightly from sides. I winced in pain as Eva is in my left side she pressed the wound).

Eva: sorry.

Eva and Cathy: we are so happy for you sweetheart.

(Then both Daniel and Oliver entered the terrace with dinner in their hands. When we all having our dinner, Daniel explained his plan to everyone. Then we all went to sleep. Me, Cathy and Eva are going to sleep in the same room as always. Both Daniel and Oliver are going to sleep in my other room where I'll sleep sometimes. We didn't touch that plastic dolls room).

We all bid good night to each other and went to our respective rooms. I closed my eyes thinking about Daniel.


After bidding good nights .Me and Oliver came to our room. He didn't come inside. He is standing near the door.

Me: Are you not going to sleep Mr. Smith.

Oliver: Sir. You sleep here .I'll sleep on the couch in the living room.

Me: Why.

Oliver: Sir. That ...I'm your bodyguard. That's why.

Me: Bodyguards will not do what you are doing now Oliver.

(Yes I called him Oliver. He looked at me)

Me: I know Oliver. All these years, I treated you only as a body guard. But at that time I'm not myself. I thought everyone around me is only being with me for my money. But today I saw that you're crying when I telling my side story to My Tesoro. In future I'll try not to judge anyone at first Oliver. I consider you, Catherine and Eva as my friend now. Because I saw you're all with me every time. So if you also consider me as your friend you can give me a hug.

(I finished my talk. Yes, it's true. I consider them as my friends now. Oliver is looking at me like I'm some alien)

Me: What. You don't consider me as your friend?.

(He then came inside and gave me a hug)

Oliver: It's nothing like that sir. I'm just shocked.

Me: Daniel

Oliver: what

Me: Daniel. You can call me Daniel Oliver.

Oliver: Ok sir. I mean Daniel.

Me: Okay it's already late let's sleep. Good night Oliver.

Oliver: Good night Daniel.



As I got ready and came out of the room. Cathy and Eva yelled at the same time.

Cathy & Eva: Today is last day for plastic dolls in the apartment. Come fast sweetheart, we have to execute the plan.

(Then Daniel and Jason came out of their)

Daniel: But Cathy before that she need her Bandage get change.

Cathy: O...Oka...Okay.

(She is stammering. what happened to her. Eva and Cathy are talking with their eyes. But today I can't able to get it).

Daniel: Rose. Come and sit here.

(I did everything as he told me. After changing the bandage and finished the breakfast. We all sat on the sofa. After some seconds Oliver's phone ringed, he attended the call. After listening, he hanged off the call with just one word GOOD)

Oliver: They both are coming. Time for drama.

Daniel: Fine. Let's go to our respective places. And Rose, Don't let them to touch you. Okay.

Me: Okay Daniel.

(Then he came near me kissed my forehead and whispered in my ear...)

Daniel: Don't let them to touch you. They are not worth to touch you.

(I just smiled and nodded my head at him. Then Daniel went inside the room behind me and closed the door and he'll watch us from the key whole. And Oliver went inside the room in front of me and closed the door, which is behind the couch they'll always sit. I'm already sitting in my place and they'll sit in front of me. Cathy and Eva both are hiding in the kitchen which is the right side to us. So everything is set. Only they have to come now).

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