Little woman tag

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Apparently, there are traits associated with each little woman character. Based on how you answer, it will tell you what little woman character you are.

1. Acting, writing, music or painting?

Writing! It's the only thing I'm good at!

2. Blush, beige, burgundy or baby blue?

Umm, I don't know. I think I would have to go with a tie between blush and baby blue!

3. Gentle, daring, virtuous or pouty?

Gentle, daring and pouty. What can I say? I'm an enigma!

4. Ravenclaw, gryffindor, hufflepuff or slytherin?

Ravenclaw all the way! Although, I do have a soft spot in my heart for slytherins and hufflepuffs.

5. Cottage, city, cabin or Europe?

Once again, I have another tie. I would love to live in a cottage, a city or Europe. After all, I am a cottagecore gay!

6. Air, fire, earth or water?

Air and water. Water's so pretty and I love it so much! I could look at a lake or a beach all day and be content. There's also the fact that katara, whose a waterbender was one of my first gay awakenings! I like breezes too, which is where the air comes in!

7. Stars, rain, clouds or sun?

Rain and sun! What can I say? I live in Arizona and we never get rain, but the sun gives me a tan!

8. Drive, train, walk or fly?

Probably train or fly! I've only been on the subway once when I was in New York, but it was so much fun! I also love flying because it usually means I'm traveling!

9. Shops, library, home or gallery?

Ugh, this is so hard! I think I'm gonna go shops, library and gallery. I love shopping because it's shopping! I love libraries because books! I also love galleries because it's nice to look to at all the pretty art!

10. Starry eyes, quick tongue, delicate freckles or charming smile?

Starry eyes and charming smile! Those are the things I tend to notice most in a person!

So, based off of this, it looks like I'm a combination of Meg and Amy! This was really fun to do!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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