Part 1

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Amelia's POV:

"Hey Ames, what's up?"

I turned around to see my boyfriend, Gray Fullbuster. Yes, a Fire mage is secretly dating an Ice mage. We agreed to never tell anyone unless absolutely necessary. I told the Mira, Erza, Laxus, and Gildarts since we're all S-Class members. Yet another thing I haven't told anyone. I haven't even told Gray! Why did Gramps make me keep it a secret!

Me: "Hi Gray! I'm just waiting for Natsu to get back from his 'job'. He ran there to find Dad again."
Gray: "Well you normally go with him. What's different this time."

I muttered, "I wanted to spend some time with you Baka."

I got all flustered cause, like my twin brother, I'm not very good at showing my emotions. And Gray clearly saw my pink cheeks cause I saw him smiling.

Gray: "Wanna head home then?"

Gray and I lived in the same house so we could share the bills. I kinda dragged him into it when we were old enough, but he never complained.

Me: "Sure! Natsu won't be back until tonight or tomorrow morning, so we have until then- Gray where are your clothes?!"

And as everyone would guess, Gray had again managed to subconsciously strip. AGAIN! I was so used to it that I pulled a pair of pants from my backpack and tossed it to him.

Gray: "Heh, thanks Ames."

Me: "Yeah yeah, I'm used to your habit but when we're at home it's different than when we're at the guild!"

Gray: "I know, sorry."

While he put them on, I went to Cana who was drinking her weight in booze as usual. And like the usual, the moment she saw me she said;

Cana: "Hey A, wanna have another contest?"

Me: "Cana, it's really hard for slayers to get drunk you know. And I'm heading home in a bit anyway."

Cana: "So you're chicken?~"

Me: "Oh you're on. First one to drop pays for it all!"
Cana: "Deal!"

Like Natsu, I also didn't like it when someone said I was too 'scared' to take on a challenge. This wasn't even a real challenge! It's just another excuse for Cana to get more to drink! Well, too late to back down now.

-after half an hour- 

-Gray POV-

Ames is still in the middle of her 'drink-off' with Cana. I sighed. 

'Well, there goes my time with her for the night. Cana probably tricked her into doing it again.'

And finally, Cana and Ames stopped.

Cana: "I can't take anymore!"

Ames leaned on one of the support beams in the guildhall and was mumbling something.

Mira: "It's a tie!- Wait, Amelia-San had 2 more mugs than Cana did."
Macao: "I called it. You owe me a meal Wakaba."
Wakaba: "Aww man."

The rest of the guild kept talking about the drink-off while I got Ames a glass of water. She looks kinda tipsy. 

Me: "Ames, you did great. But you shouldn't drink so much."

Ames: *hic* "But I wonnnn. What'd I win?"

I whispered; "You get cuddles tonight, how's that?"

Ames: "Yay! I need a nap."

And with that, she conked out, falling face-forward onto the table and breaking it in half. I laughed a bit. The good thing is, we're best friends in everyone else's eyes. So whenever we look out for each other, they don't think of it in a romantic way. Neither of us are ready to tell the guild that we've been dating for nearly a year now...Especially since Lisanna died. We started dating a month after that since we confessed when I was comforting her about that.
She cuddled into my chest and smiled, still peacefully asleep. I tried so hard to not blush and I'm hoping it worked. 

-an hour later-

Ames woke up and got some medicine for her headache when the doors burst open.

Natsu: "WE'RE BACK!"

Natsu and Amelia DragneelWhere stories live. Discover now