Part 4

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Natsu, Lucy, Happy, and Macao got back to Romeo. After that, Natsu went to see his sister with Happy and saw Ash, Amelia's exceed, guarding the door. 

Natsu: "Ash, let us in!"
Ash: "Nope, sorry. Gray and Lia are cleaning the house and don't want anyone inside until it's all done."
Natsu: "Aww man. I wanted to eat Lia's cooking!"
Ash: "Sorry Natsu-San."

And a minute later, Amelia opened the door.

Amelia: "Ash, what's going on out here?- Natsu?! What are you doing here?"
Natsu: "I came to get something to eat! Your cooking is as good as Mira's and I don't wanna go all the way there right now."
Amelia: "So you're here cause you're being lazy? Let me guess, you wanna stay the night too?"

Natsu saw she wasn't all that happy. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was in her pj's. So he probably woke her up, and she wasn't in a good mood because of it.

Natsu: "Um, maybe?"

Amelia sighed and opened the door. Natsu saw the house spotless as usual because unlike him, his sister liked to keep things organized. Happy was slightly skeptical of how Amelia and Gray could have just finished cleaning AND looked like they had fallen asleep in a few minutes. But when he saw Amelia get out a plate of fish, he forgot all about it.

After they ate, Amelia pushed Natsu into the bathroom for a shower.

Amelia: "Honestly Natsu, you couldn't have showered after saving Macao's sorry butt? Your clothes have water-marks and dirt all over them! I'll get you some extra clothes, but get in the shower! You're lucky I keep extra clothes for you here or I'd make you go all the way home!"

Happy was busy talking to Ash, so Amelia took the chance to go back to her boyfriend. He wasn't gonna be happy that they couldn't cuddle for the night since Natsu doesn't know about them dating.
She went to their shared bedroom and Gray opened his eyes and saw her.

Gray: "What took you so long babe?"
Amelia: "Natsu's here with Happy. So that means no cuddles tonight. Sorry love."

She saw him pout a little and sit up. She already knew what he wanted and she smiled.

Amelia: "One little kiss. Natsu doesn't take long in showers."
Gray: "Fine, just hurry up or we won't get to do it at all."
Amelia: "Alright, alright."

She sat on his lap and gave him a small yet sweet kiss which he gladly returned.

------Kinda hot, no smut!....yet--------

Gray slipped his hands up the back of her shirt making her gasp. He took this opportunity to slip his tongue in her mouth. She moaned lightly and Gray continued to French Kiss her. He moved his hands down to her hips making her shiver from the cold chill running down her spine. She let out another moan and deepened the kiss.

-----okay, it's done----

A few minutes later they paused to breathe and they heard the water in the shower go off. Amelia quickly got up from her lovers lap and got Natsu some pj's. She splashed her face with water to calm her blush down and cleaned up just before her salmon-haired brother peeked out asking for clothes. She tossed them to him and went to 'her' bedroom. 

Natsu initially made her promise to have a separate bedroom than Gray's, which she did. Until she started dating him and the 'bedroom' turned into her storage room unless someone was staying over. Then she'd go back to her own room so nobody would get suspicious. 

----------------------Kinda off topic-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Author here! I wanted to explain this a bit more.

The S-Class members knew of the two dating, but Gray didn't know that they knew. So they all acted oblivious when they stayed overnight, mainly Erza or Mira, so Gray wouldn't know that someone had found out they were together. 

As much as Gray and Amelia agreed to keep their relationship private because of fangirls (and fanboys in Amelia's case), she wanted to talk to someone about her relationship. Mira and Erza accidentally found out when they were reading Amelia's journal-

Ash: Ahem, diary.

Me: Not a diary! J-O-U-R-N-A-L!!!

Ahem, anyway, those two found out by reading her journal and Laxus saw the page cause Mira put it on the 2nd level of the Guild-Hall where the S-Class members were. Gildarts kinda just guessed it since he saw the two get together on his way back from a job. Okay, now that that part is done, let's get back to the story.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amelia POV-

Natsu ran into the room wearing the cat onesie I gave him and he looked embarrassed. 

Me: "What? You're all red~"
Me: "Those were the only clothes I could lend you that weren't mine. The others need to be washed. And it's not like anyone else will see you like this other than Ash, Happy, oh, and Gray."
Natsu: "You're evil! I can't let my rival see me like this!"
Me: "Then get in the bed already before he comes in here and asks about the-"

Just then, like I hoped, Gray walked in.

Gray: "Why's everyone yelling-pfft, nice pj's pyro."
Me: "Yeah yeah, if you threaten me again I'm not making you breakfast. Now get in the bed already little bro." 
Natsu: "You're only 8 minutes older!"
Me: "But I can still use it to my advantage~ Now hurry up or I'll let Gray take a picture of you and let him post it in the Guild-Hall."

With that, he got in the blanket and covered himself up as much as he could.

Natsu: "Lia you're mean!"
Me: "Not as much as Mira used to be~ Now get some sleep Natsu. Gray, you too. I'm too tired to stay up all night making sure you two are asleep."
Gray: "Alright, night Ames. Later Pyro."

Gray left and Ash and Happy flew in the room. I laid down next to Natsu and Ash and Happy laid on top of us, nearly passing out from how tired they were.

Natsu: "Night Lia."
Me: "Aww, night Natsu."


Author here again! Thanks for reading this- wow- I wrote 996 words other than this note- and in only 2 hours with lunch in-between! I'm good. Real good. 

Anyway, thanks again for reading! Author out. :)

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