Part 8

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-Time skip to when they find Leon-
(Amelia POV)

With Erza already pretty mad about the whole trip, I went after Gray and Natsu, and I found them soon enough with another guy.

'Who's that?-'

Natsu saw me and grinned.

Natsu: Glad you made it Lia!

Then all three boys were staring at me, and I bonked Natsu's head.

Natsu: OW! Geez, I'm sorry. But did you have to hit me?!

I glanced at Gray and froze in place. Our last talk was kinda our first fight in a while... we were the kind of couple that agreed on almost everything, and when we didn't we almost always talked it out. And when we didn't, well, I can't remember our last fight like that. So it's definitely been a while.

Leon: Ehem, we're in the middle of something here Miss.
Me: And who are you?

I saw the way Gray glared at him and stood right in front of the other guy.

Leon: My name is Leon.

Wait, does that mean-

Me: You were also Ur's student, Gray told me about you. But what are you doing here?-

Gray: Don't talk to him. He's trying to revive Deliora. The demon that Ur sacrificed herself for...

I wanted to hug Gray so badly, but I didn't know if now was a good time...I ended up just hugging him from behind.

I whispered, "I'm so sorry..."

He calmed down and I could tell he was a bit more relaxed. He pulled me gently in front of him and hugged me.

He muttered an apology for earlier in my ear and I smiled. Then came a sudden Earthquake.

(At this point the storyline is the same so I'm gonna skip it- Amelia stayed on the side and helped treat injuries and stuff in the village while the others did what happened in the episodes. I'm gonna skip to the end of the mission)

Natsu: We did it! Awesome! Let's get the reward and head home already!

Erza: Not so fast, we won't be taking the reward. Only the Celestial Key.

I went to Erza and muttered: Um...I took the job officially, should we still leave the reward?

Erza: We will talk about what you did later Amelia. As for the reward, my answer still stands. The task wasn't given to us properly so we cannot accept the money.

Erza told the others to go to the boat after a bit and glared at me.

Me: Um...Yes?

Erza: You can take the reward, only cause you ended up taking the job formally. But, some of the money is going to the guild, alright?

Me: Works for me! Today is turning out pretty okay after all.

Erza: What about what you told me about Gray and you earlier? And about nearly telling everyone you're S-Class when Master said not to.

Me: The S-Class thing, I didn't mean to. I planned on coming with them so their punishment wouldn't be too bad. As for the Gray thing, I think we'll be okay.

We smiled, and went to the boat. Gladly, she knocked me out but not Natsu because of the whole thing. Heh.

(Note: I didn't realize beforehand but I swapped some of the parts of the story around, so the next chapter is just kinda for the fun of it, like a filler chapter? I'll edit it don't worry)

Author Here! I'm so sorry for not posting in a month and a half! I didn't mean to stay offline for so long TnT. I'll post as much as I can, but with school and the marking period ending in two weeks I don't know yet. Please forgive meee.

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