Part 9

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-Amelia POV-

Once I woke up, we were in the guildhall and for some reason, I felt odd. I stood up and looked around to see, well- me?!

Me: Why am I staring at myself?!

Natsu (Loke): Um, Cana, you okay?

Me: Huh?- Natsu what do you mean?! I'm your goddamn sister and you're calling me Cana?!

Everyone around us looked at me, really confused.

Loke (Natsu): Wait, so you're Lia?!

Me: Yeah, and why did you call me what Natsu does?

Loke (Natsu): But I'M Natsu!

Me: HUH?!

That's when I found out that some of us had switched bodies. 
Loke and Natsu, Gray and Lucy, and Happy and Erza.

Me: Wait a minute, so if everyone is calling me Cana, then- I SWAPPED BODIES WITH CANA?! What did I do to deserve thissss? 

And that's when I noticed I had stopped to drink booze- ON INSTINCT! I threw the mug at the wall and grabbed Cana's err- My, shoulders. 

Me: Don't do anything dumb with my body Cana.

Cana: Eh, maybe I'll wear a skimpy outfit and show off to everyone, just to piss you off.

Me: NO WAY! I swear I'll destroy you when we turn back!

Lucy (Gray): If, we turn back Ames. Gramps said we only had an hour before this became permanent. 

Me: WHAT?! Why is this happening to me! I was asleep!

I groaned and rubbed my eyes to wake up fully. 

Me: Well can I at least see whatever turned us, or WHOEVER, turned us into each other?

That's when everyone looked at Loke- well, Natsu.

Me: Natsu Dragneel I swear you're so dead! How did you do this?!

He pouted and handed me a paper with writing on it. 

Me: So you read off of this paper for some dumb reason, and it swapped everyone's bodies?

Loke (Natsu): Maybe

Me: As much as I love you little bro, you're a moron.

Loke (Natsu): Hey! I didn't mean to do it!

I rolled my eyes and saw Cana staring at me. Really weird seeing myself stare at me. She signaled me to move to the side and I put the paper down and followed her outside.

Me: What?-

Cana: You have more than Fire-Slayer magic, don't you. You told me about it when we were kids. Why don't you use it?

Me: Don't tell anyone! Gramps said I couldn't tell anyone about that OR that I'm S-Class!

And I just told Cana I'm S-Class...way to go Amelia.

Cana: So THAT'S what happened when you went to the island. I was there too idiot. But if Gramps said not to tell anyone, then fine I won't.

Me: Thanks Cana, now then, wanna know how drinks feel for me? I'll pay.

Heh, yeah, with her wallet.

Cana: You're on!

The two of us went back inside and started drinking like our lives depended on it.

After a while, Cana and I stopped and I used her wallet to pay. Later, Cana disappeared and I heard Levy-Chan start an enchantment. Maybe she found out how to turn us back.

Next thing I knew, I was back in my body but in a closet? I got out and saw Gray who seemed like he was back to normal. Everyone else was doing their own thing so I freely hugged him.

Me: Hi babe

Gray: Hey princess- when did you um, change? You don't wear that unless we're at home.

Me: What do you?- Oh no, what did Cana do!

I looked at myself and saw I was wearing clothes she would normally wear. A pink crop top, and a skirt with long socks and flats. I was embarrassed, and mad.


Natsu and Amelia DragneelWhere stories live. Discover now