Sick day

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 Hi everyone! I'm so sorry for not updating in a few weeks TnT. I had a mini writers block and so much high school work!- but I'm just gonna skip some time from the last chapter to the time when Natsu and Happy stole that S-Class quest. You'll see what it means by sick day soon UwU. Thanks for understanding!


-at Amelia's house, Amelia POV-

I was laying in bed, completely exhausted, when I heard a crash from the living room. I got up and saw Natsu who had just broken through my window. 

Me: "Natsu, really?"
Natsu: "Heh, hi Ames. I just came to get my bag."
Me: "For what?"
Natsu: "Happy and I are taking a job with Luce."
Me: "Right now?- wait, what job?"
Natsu: "Heh, an S-Class quest?"
Me: "HUH?! How did you get one?! You can't go on those quests! You're not ready!"
Natsu: "Well, I'll prove Gramps wrong. I can totally handle this."
Me: "There is no way I'm letting my little brother go on this quest-"
Natsu: "C'mon Lia!-"
Me: "-without me."

He looked at me, surprised.

Natsu: "You're gonna break guild rules, and come with me?"
Me: "Hell yes. If you're getting kicked out of the guild for such a stupid stunt, then so will I."
Natsu: "Awesome! Then let's go! We're leaving soon from the harbor!"
Me: "Fine, lets head there then."

-Time skip to the harbor-

We found a boat and before we got in, I looked at Natsu, Lucy, and Happy. 
Me: "Once we get there, there's no going back. You three sure you wanna do this?"

Natsu and Happy nodded eagerly, but Lucy looked worried.

Lucy: "Won't we get in trouble for doing this? I don't know guys."
Me: "Well, if Gramps finds out you could be kicked out of the guild. It's one of the rules."
Lucy: "What?! But I just GOT to the guild!"
Me: "Yeah, but rules are rules."

I won't get kicked out cause I'm already S-Class, but I'd still be in huge trouble. That's when I felt a cold chill behind me. 

Me: "I think the guild already knows anyway."
Gray: "What are you guys thinking?! Gramps is already pissed, and Laxus is trying to convince him to expel you from the guild! The only way you'd be safe, is if you turn back now. Then you'll get punished, but not kicked out."
Me: "Gray, calm down. We already know the consequences."
Natsu: "And we already accepted the job! We can't leave them alone now. So too bad Ice Prick."

Gray looked right at me. He looked mad, but his eyes looked...sad.

Gray: "I told Gramps I'd bring you all back. No matter what. Just come back so I don't have to fight each of you."
Me: "You haven't beaten me before, so who's to say you can now? Besides, like Natsu said we already accepted the job. Everyone on that island has hope someone's coming to save them. So if it's leaving the guild to save them or staying and crushing their hopes, then I'm going. I'm sorry Gray."
Natsu: "Hell yeah! Let's go!"

Gray looked surprised that I said that, especially to him since I'm always calmer. I looked at him with determination, and he knew I wasn't turning back.

Gray got closer to me and whispered in my ear.

Gray: "Ames, I'm sorry."

I got confused until I felt a hit to my gut.

Natsu: "Lia!"

Natsu's voice was the last thing I heard before passing out.

-Nobody POV-

Natsu: "Gray what was that for!"
Gray: "Don't make me do it to you too Pyro."

Natsu was pissed and hit Gray in the gut making HIM pass out now. 

Natsu: "We're going to Galuna. Sorry Gray."

Natsu put Gray in the boat and took Amelia to her room. He went back to the harbor and the team left for Galuna Island.

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