Not happy

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Sorry for not updating in so long :'(
I haven't had time. And this little chapter is, well, little, because I may or may not have a broken finger- I'm gonna get it checked out after school today :D
Hoping everything is okay! Anyway, Gomen (sorry) for the late updates! Author out (:

Amelia POV:

I woke up with an ache in my stomach and the need to throw up. After getting over the nausea, I remembered the trip to Galuna Island with Natsu and ran out of my house. I reached the port, and saw a very, angry, Erza! 

'Now Natsu and the others are toast-'

Erza: Amelia, where are Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Happy.

Me: Heh, probably at Galuna already. Sorry Erza.

Erza: So you knew of this little plan Amelia?

She glared at me, but I was unfazed.

Me: Erza, I planned to go with them and take the blame for the job, but Gray knocked me out and-

Then I remembered how my BOYFRIEND, had knocked me out! Now it was my turn to be mad.

Me: Oh Gray is SO dead for knocking me out!

Erza: You may yell at your lover later Amelia. We need to get to Galuna Island immediately.

Me: Can you knock me out for the ride there? 

Erza: Gladly.

And with that, my vision went black.

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