ChungHa - Stripper

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V x V


Oral sex

Praise kink

Wall sex

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Strip clubs allowed you to touch the strippers if you are a fellow female, yet you struggled to put your hands on her as she straddled you. She had asked you to touch her wherever you wanted, and despite wanting to, you couldn't bring yourself to, scared you'd get in trouble.

"You've never done this with a girl, have you?" The girl chuckled.

Was it that obvious?

You had been brought to this strip club - not even wanted to come - by your best friend, but he had ditched you to go watch some other stripper with his male friends.

The woman on you, her stage name being "Red", had seen you abandoned, not really knowing what to do, and found it precious, walking over and placing herself on your lap.

You weren't opposed, just surprised when she did so.

She was out of your league, as cliche as that is. She was gorgeous, had the perfect body and the prettiest smile. She was wearing a red leather outfit which was slim fitting, but she still managed to perform perfectly, form and body movements professional and beautiful.

Noticing your anxiety, she seized your chin and brought your face closer to hers.

"No need to worry," she whispered, her thumb tracing over your bottom lip. "It's better with women. Trust me."

You had suspected she was upping herself, but you'd later discover she was completely right; men sucked ass in the sheets... or maybe women were just good in the bathroom at a strip club as Red would show you.

And as much as you didn't want to admit, you were being turned on by Red, the way she treated you like her sweet little sub, the way she touched you. It was amazing.

And you consented, eyes flickering over the sharp features of her sculpted face.

"Okay. I'm not worried."

Red smiled, leaning in and pressing the softest kiss to your lips. She was gentle, lips just barely touching yours. Her lips were plump and fit perfectly with yours, her lip gloss making the kiss taste like cherry. It was amazing how experienced she was with this - how easy she read you. She could see how nervous you were and was being anything but rough with you, knowing you were reluctant.

"Let's take this somewhere, yeah?" She asked softly, smirking subtly at you. "Let's go somewhere private so I can make you feel good."

A nod of consent had her getting off your lap and grabbing your hand to help you stand up, too. She looked over at you. "Where were you thinking?"

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