Giant spiders definitely weren't something Amira was expecting, but they died quickly. Unfortunately it was their webs which were the greater problem, as Savanna found out when she tried to cut them down, only to find her sword getting tangled into it. "Okay, what do you think we should do?"
All the spiders had turned into dust and that left Amira with one choice. "We need to make something that will melt the webs, rather than trying to cut them. Get me some hot water and see what herbs you can find - you know as much about all this as I do, so you should be able to find at least a couple of ingredients for me."
Savanna smiled. "Of course I can." Amira watched as she filled a small pot with water, before going to make a fire. "Mira, if I don't get a chance to say this in the future I want you to know I love you."
"I love you too, Sav."
Once Amira was far enough away the tears started streaming down her cheeks, but she wasn't certain why she was crying. Maybe it was her belief it wouldn't be long before she lost her sister. There was no reason for her to think that, not when they were getting so close to what they believed was the way out, and yet she there was this niggling doubt in the back of her mind. Only one sibling was meant to make it out, which meant either Amira or Savanna was going to die. Breathing deeply Amira tried to push all that aside, in order to focus on what she needed to make. It just wasn't an easy thing to do. Not when every time she looked round Savanna was working on making the water hot.
Finally Amira returned with a couple of herbs she knew was going to work and found Savanna had found something different to add the mix. "Stew them for ten minutes and then we'll free your sword."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome." Their eyes met. "Next room, Mira."
Amira shook her head. "Don't say things like that."
"We're too close to the door for me to make it. I will die in the next room. Be ready for it."
"I don't believe that."
Laughing, Savanna stirred the mixture in the pot. "Do you really think I don't know it's what you've been thinking about? I know what your face looks like when you've been crying and I know why it happened."
"I was crying over Sam."
"And me." Savanna reached out and took Amira's hand. "It's okay. You are permitted to think about it." Savanna shrugged. "I've been thinking about this for a long time, Mira, and trying to work out how I can make the most of my death. I'm just glad I'll be seeing Sam again."
"Why do I have to be the one to survive this?"
"You're the strongest of all of us. That's why you have to be the one to survive."
Rise Above
FantasyThis story is about three orphan siblings Amira, Samuel, and Savanna. After years ago Amira, Samuel and Savanna finds out the truth about their family history. They were taken back to the dark tunnels of meadows. Most kids inherit money, homes, et...