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One week later ~

It's been a week since dinner with Michael. It's also been a week since the playground incident. The cut on my forehead ended up scaring. Mom said it would go away as I grow! Hopefully, it's soon. I've been scared of going to school. Mostly because I'm going to be seeing those guys again. The other reason is Michael...I count him as my best friend but he's a little weird.

The day after our families had dinner he left me a little... present. On my front porch was a dead bird. Laying next to the bird was a colored picture of me and him holding hands. I was lucky I was the one to find the "gift" before my mom or dad. I kept the drawing but the bird is buried somewhere in my backyard.

It was 6:35 in the morning. I was downstairs eating breakfast. I had already got ready for my first day. My mom picked out a white shirt and grey skirt for me to wear today.

My dad had already left for work. He made sure to wake me up before he left and wished me a good day. My mom was sitting next to me rambling on how I was going to make so many new friends. I managed to push everything aside and started to get excited as well.

It was now 7:00 am. School starts at 7:15 I was sitting in the car with my mom suddenly rethinking all this. My mom grabbed my hand and said,"Sweetheart...you have to be brave okay! Everything's gonna be fine and if you don't feel comfortable you can always ask to call home okay?"

I looked up at my mom and took a deep breath. I gave her one last smile and got out of the car. I started to walk in making sure to keep my eyes on the ground the whole time. As I was walking I accidentally bumped into someone. I looked up and saw a teacher.

"Excuse me! I didn't mean to bump into you!" I said. The teacher looked down at me with a small smile and said, "Hi! You must be the new student Y/N L/-N? Right?" I gave them a nod. They took my hand in theirs and explained that they would walk me to my class.

When we arrived at the classroom there were already a lot of kids. The teacher that walked me cleared their throat and said "Everyone settle down! You have a new student today Y/N L/N. Treat her with respect." The kids who were now all looking at me nodded their heads. I gave a shy wave and awkward smile. I made my way to my cubby. I placed my bag down and turned away to be met with a chest. I looked up to find Michael.

Michael stood in front of me with a small hidden smile. I flashed him one of my bright smiles and said "Hey Michael! I didn't think we were in the same class!" He grabbed my hand which made both of us blush and said "you have to sit next to me!" It sounded more like a demand than excitement. I took a deep breath. Memories of the present and what he said after dinner filling my mind. I was snapped out of it when the teacher walked in. I looked towards Michael and nodded an "okay" at him.

His eyes seemed to brighten he walked off with me to his desk. I sat at the desk to the right of him. I gave him one last smile before giving my attention to the teacher. I didn't feel his gaze leave me at all though. It was like his eyes were burning through me.

Time skip~

It was lunchtime now. Michael had stuck by my side throughout the whole day so far. Even though he wouldn't talk much he would still glare or talk back to anyone who said or gave me wrong looks.

As we were walking through the cafeteria to find a seat Michael's food tray got knocked out of his hand. I gasped and took a few steps back. It was those same guys. Why won't they leave us alone? Are they seriously that desperate for attention?

The guys turned to Michael and said "what? Is she your little girlfriend now Mikey?" The guys and a few other kids that are now surrounding us laughed. I was about to say something but before I could one of the guys turned to me and said "you must not know about Mikey here if you actually like that freak! Here let me tell you..."

Michael glared at the boys and mumbled "shut up.." the guys laughed and placed a hand to their ear "what was that Mikey?"

Michael looked at the guys with much darker eyes now. Michael took a deep breath and said "shut...up!!" He ran to the guys and managed to punch the "leader" straight in the face.

"Michael!" I yelled. It was no use. The kids surrounding us were so loud. They kept cheering for the boys who were now all ganging up on Michael. I panicked and picked up Michaels tray from the ground. I ran over to the guys and as hard as I could I slammed the tray onto their heads. It stopped them for a couple of seconds. They stood up and walked away from Michael now going after me.

As they got closer the fear in my eyes must have started to show. The boys smirked and said, "not so tough now, aren't you?" Before words can come out of my mouth a loud yell made the boys turn around. Michael was now up and running at them with full speed. The fight between Michael and the boys started again.

I managed to slip out of the crowd and into the hallway trying to find a teacher. I saw the teacher from earlier who helped me get to my class and ran to them. "Excuse me! You have to help! There's a fight!" The teacher looked at me with wide eyes for a second then urged me to show where the fight was at. When we got back to the group there was blood everywhere. Some of the boys had bloody noses while Michael and some of the other boys had bloody knuckles. There was also blood on the floor. The teacher ran in between Michael and the boys.

I ran towards Michael and started to pull him back. He went to push me away but when he saw it was me it looked as if his eyes softened for a minute. I dragged him all the way to the nurse's office before the teacher could get a chance to scold him. It was my job as his friend to do that part anyways.

"Michael! Why would you do that! You're gonna be in so much trouble! I'm going to be in trouble!" I yelled at him as the nurses were cleaning his cuts and bruises. "They were being assholes!-" before he could get the chance to finish talking the nurse cut him off by saying "language."

He rolled his eyes and said, "They should have just kept their mouth shut." It was my turn to roll my eyes. "We could have just walked away Michael. You didn't have to hurt yourself because of them!"

Michael jumped off the nurse's bed and started walking with me to the door.

"I'm not even that hurt! Stop being a baby!"

"I'm not a baby! You're the baby for acting like one!"

We both rolled our eyes and looked away. "We're gonna be in trouble..." I said. He turned to me with a confused look and said "we?" I turned towards him and said "yeah! When you were on the ground I used your tray to hit them on top of the head!"

Michael laughed and said "no way! You're too much of a chicken!" I looked away blushing and said "well I did too! You can ask anyone who was watching!"

Michael grabbed my hand and said "thank you Y/N. I'll make sure not to mess with you to not get hit on the head with a lunch tray."  I giggled and said, "you better."

As we were walking hand in hand on our way to the principal's office we ignored all the judging comments and looks about us. The only thing we were focused on was each other and nothing was gonna mess that up.

October 22, 1993
9 days until Halloween

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