15.5 (Halloween (2)

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We're just going to ignore the fact I haven't uploaded in four weeks/ 5 weeks (?)
❤︎not proof read❤︎

Me and Laurie both screamed at the top of our lungs. I grabbed Laurie's arm and dragged her deeper into the closet with me. His arm kept swinging left to right, trying his hardest to grab one of us. Suddenly, half his body came into the closet. He was looking right at us.

We screamed and backed up as for as we could. Well...I tried to. Laurie pushed away from me and managed to grab a hanger. She straightened out the end of it and managed to stick it right into his eye.

Even after she had stuck him he was still going. It wasn't until she dropped to the floor did we have a chance to escape. I quickly ran out the room leaving Laurie behind and went to the bathroom to the children.

"Tommy. Listen to me. I want you to run outside and find help. Okay. Go, now."

With that, the children both ran outside screaming for help. I quickly ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I was about to run to the phone but then I realized that the power was cut out. I groaned and ran back upstairs.

"Laurie! Come on we have to go now!" I yelled while pulling her away. Michael was still on the ground still passed out. Laurie refused to come with me. She wanted to wait for help. I grabbed my hair in disbelief and yelled at her for being stupid.

I stopped yelling. If you listen carefully...you could hear deep breathing. I slowly turned my head to look at the closed door right by us. The door Michael Myers was supposed to be passed out in.

I grabbed Laurie's hand and quietly walked away to the stairs.


Laurie's yelled made me turn around. There he was...Michael. fucking. Myers.

Right before he could reach us though. There was a bang. Dr. Loomis managed to show up just at the right time. The bullets were so powerful it lead him right back into the room and...off the balcony.

The three of us ran to the balcony and looked over at his body.

"Was that the bogeyman?" Laurie questioned. Dr. Loomis turned to her but didn't answer. I kept my eyes on Michael though. Something was telling me I should. And my instincts was correct. I saw as he sat up and walked away. Did I say anything? No. It was quite a surprise when Dr. Loomis and Laurie turned around to not find him there though.

Without even saying a word I turned around and walked out the house to the medical team waiting outside. Once I did go outside news reporters were all over me. I sighed and got inside the ambulance thinking about all the events that has happened.

His First Love (a Michael Myers Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now